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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Goal in Rangers-Blackhawks gets washed out but is then reviewed. Turns out that the puck went in the net but after the play was intended to be whistled dead. Fine, whatever. Two minutes later after they finish reviewing, the referee goes to center ice and declares that there's no goal and this is not a reviewable play. You could have told me sooner.


    EDIT: unrelated, I always knew Dan O'Sullivan was one of my favorite contemporary writers, but this



  2. Former Islanders owner Charles Wang died. What I'll remember most about him aside from trying to get a new arena in Nassau and failing is that he once did an interview on MSG, and while I expected him to sound like an elderly Chinese immigrant, he actually sounded like Woody Allen, and it was really funny. Anyway, uh, it's sad that he died and not the guy who pretended to live in a model home.

  3. 07-FOX-V3.png


    Here's an oddity for the Fox single game on Sunday: DC is scheduled to get a doubleheader, with Panthers-Eagles in the early spot but also Saints-Ravens in the late spot, with Cowboys-Redskins running in the CBS late spot (despite neither team being in the AFC but that's not a rule anymore). So I guess the deal here is some sort of Baltimore-Washington reciprocity where each one gets the other team's games, but because they're both late, the DC affiliate isn't supposed to run against the Redskins at home but also needs to carry the Ravens but also is only supposed to have one game? idk weird.

  4. Lambert https://sports.yahoo.com/countdown-kane-matthews-make-hockey-fun-125016852.html



    5. Attendance woes

    Only like 8,800 people showed up for the Islanders’ opener in Brooklyn, but isn’t it so so so interesting that no one in Canada is saying like “We gotta move them to Quebec City yesterday!”

    I know they have that new arena deal now but even before they did that was never talked about and I bet it has something to do with the Mason-Dixon line. Just a thought.


    There were literally busloads of Nordiques fans at Islanders games who were saying that, but never let anything stop you from sucking up to nerds on Twitter who like the Hurricanes and Stars and think they're dril.

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  5. An arbitrator knocked Austin Watson's suspension down from 27 to 18, which puts left-leaning people in sort of a double-bind: domestic violence should be punished, but the league shouldn't have unilateral power to punish players if the collective bargaining agreement allows for the PA to appeal. 18 still seems too low (no hockey player would ever say that), but the union has to do union things or else what's the point.

  6. Kobe got about as out in front of it as he could, given the circumstances. I think by admitting that it was a heat-of-the-moment misunderstanding of consent, giving her a ton of money, and generally staying out of trouble since then, he closed the book. And I wonder whether maybe people have forgotten what an exhaustive story that trial really was. Daily coverage on ESPN and sometimes beyond. It's hard to think about going back to it because what could we not have gotten to the first time around? 


    Remarkable about the Bryant piece -- the more recent one -- is that the author assailed the shallowness of the NBA's faux-progressive marketing strategy with no acknowledgment of Deadspin's loyal partnership in that marketing strategy. When I think about who's shoving down my throat that the NBA represents everything in sports that is good and pure and woke, it's Deadspin who comes to mind first, second, and third. I'm glad they said what I've been saying for a while now, that pro sports are not woke and can only fall on a spectrum running from amoral to immoral, I was just surprised, is all.

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