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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. I sorta miss the days of the middle-inning booth switch. Having the same two guys call all nine innings of a telecast wasn't really commonplace until maybe the turn of the millennium? If you go back and watch David Wells's perfect game from '98, it goes from Jim Kaat and Ken Singleton to Al Trautwig and Jim Kaat to Al Trautwig and Ken Singleton to Singleton and Kaat in reversed roles and then finally back to where they started. I think that's a little excessive, but I do like flipping the pbp guys between booths. I get tired of Len Kasper's Kermit voice sometimes.


    The way TBS did it where they flipped the entire booth at the middle of the 5th inning was weird, even if it was an equitable 50-50 split, because you'd have [whichever pair of Skip, Pete, and two guys who were not Skip nor Pete] start the game on national TV but not be there to finish it. No continuity!

  2. 19 hours ago, Mockba said:

    Really, it's only the weirdly-prudish places like Minnesota that obsess over when/where booze can be sold.


    14 hours ago, LMU said:

    Also Washington.


    Scandinavians are torn between two lovers: drinking lots of alcohol, and following intricate sets of rules.

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  3. Isn't it also cool how Wisconsin doesn't trifle with arcane liquor laws and just loads up the grocery stores with alcohol? People from other parts of the country are surprised sometimes, but they shouldn't be, because, well, Wisconsin.

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  4. I don't know if Patriots-Jets is an all-timer, but it's something with the way Belichick and Parcells weave through both of them. I don't think there was ever much to it before then because the Patriots' only rivalry had been with its own obsolescence.


    There are lots of city rivalries that in the grand scheme don't mean anything. Montreal and Toronto is not among them at all.

    • Like 10
  5. 2 hours ago, Red Comet said:

    >Some 4channer as of the end of his freshman year of high school one month ago decides to modsass the head custodian and spills his spaghetti as a result.


    Now let's talk about something relevant:

    The Rays players aren't too thrilled about this time and place split either.


    “This is some stressful stuff that Blake doesn’t like thinking about,’’ he said. “Blake just wants to throw the baseball.’’



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