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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. I think there's more honor in half-taking up a team from afar because you like their players/uniforms/city than there is in adopting a team because you move near them and they're there. I don't want sports Stockholm Syndrome.

    It usually doesn't work, either. I bought season tickets to the Diamondbacks when I moved to Tempe in an attempt to gain a rooting interest in them, and I ended up actually disliking the team even more once the season was over. It was just too strange wearing my Giants gear for a series vs San Francisco, then swapping to D Backs gear two days later when they played the Brewers or whoever.

    Well, weren't you there when the D-Bags adopted Caveman Baseball and were beaning hitters and starting fights for imaginary injustices? I'd have to think even natives found that team reprehensible.

  2. See, I would think the opposite because if hockey is your thing, why wouldn't you want to help the local team flourish and celebrate with the people around you?

    I dunno, maybe I don't like the people around me. You don't seem to like Hawks fans very much. Maybe I don't have delusions of grandeur about the importance of my support and just want to like who I like without crediting myself for helping them to flourish. I mean, I was banging the drum for a return to Winnipeg when everyone else wanted the Coyotes to go to Hamilton, but I haven't done anything to help the Jets other than the pennies they get from my Gamecenter subscription. I'm not important.

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  3. I want to note here that the AHL's website is THEahl.com, which reminds me of the Onion article about how cybersquatters had reduced the NHL to registering "nhlhockeysports.com."

    Anyway, I think it's pretty cool that the Manchester Monarchs are a game away from winning the league's championship and subsequently getting demoted to the ECHL. I don't think this is what the promotion/relegation buttmonkeys had in mind. Congratulations, New Hampshire! Now here's some crap.

    The eight games the California teams don't play should count as losses in the final standings, since they're basically forfeiting those games because playing them is too hard.

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  4. I hope Scott Burnside didn't strain anything carrying all this water for Anthony LeBlanc.


    Burnside was an Atlanta guy, right? No shock that his allegiances would fall here.

    Commissioner Gary Bettman was asked by Canadian broadcaster Sportsnet if he was worried about the team. He said he’d be more concerned if he was a taxpayer in Glendale.

    He’s right. Never mind season ticket holders or the specifics of the economics as they relate to the NHL franchise in Glendale; what company of any sort would enter into a relationship with this municipality?

    This crap again. I dunno, maybe companies that don't require annual eight-figure subsidies? which I do believe still exist for now?
  5. I'm not one to tut-tut people's decorum -- that's best left to Gothamite -- but the Coyote fans in attendance really conducted themselves poorly at this one, whether they were in the audience or addressing council. I know we all joke about how the democratic process is much more spirited in the United Kingdom and we're the ones hanging on to contrived manners, but the comparisons to a man dismembering his wife and the screaming and finger-waving at the mayor was out of line by any definition.

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