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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Greg Popovich got on the mic in the middle of the game to scold Spurs fans for booing Kawhi Leonard. Just yelled at them like they were unruly children at a homecoming rally! It's one thing to get on the mic in a last-ditch plea for sanity if, like, everyone's throwing garbage and a riot is about to break out, yeah, but just booing the road team shooting free throws? Imagine that kind of scolding for booing the guy who left town in baseball or the NHL, where it's every at-bat or every puck possession. You can't. That's King Canute commanding the sea. What a bizarre, bizarre league.

    • Like 1
  2. 53 minutes ago, Chromatic said:

    The whole uniform just looks dingy, I think that's the best way to describe it. Its like they tried to infuse the 'dive bar' or 'grimy hot dog stand' aesthetic into a hockey uniform. 


    Interesting, because the original spaghetti-skate uniform had no such foresight: it was just the end of the gradual calming-down of the Flying V sweaters: putting the logo in front, adding normal stripes, muting the colors. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, MCM0313 said:

    That emoji is so played out by now. I wish teams would give it a rest. 

    Sports social media as a whole is played out. All the graphics start to look the same, everyone's voice is either like "we tried to warn you that we were gonna have to do it to you" or something else Drake could hypothetically murmur at the beginning of a song, or they're just doing dril tweets. It's an artform, if you can call it that, that peaked about eight or nine years ago. It's a deluge of Content that we can only hope to tolerate.

    • Like 2
    • Yawn 1
  4. I just learned that only because of the strikes has Monday Night Football been on ABC every week this season rather than just here and there in the absence of anything better. That worked out well. Eagles-Chiefs, Super Bowl rematch with both leading their conferences, actually feels worthy of prime-time network television. I think it's worth reimagining Monday Night Football as a true #2 game of the week with ABC branding and all that. It'll never happen, though.

  5. 8-2 Lions is pretty neat but it's also ridiculous that they're going to play again this Thursday. Why would you not want all your Thanksgiving teams to come off byes together? Don't you want everyone as rested as possible for your league's day on the calendar, or at least not playing two games in five days? Everyone has to have a bye week; what does it cost you to have theirs be before the Thanksgiving games?


    EDIT: Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again, 49ers-Seahawks is a wet fart of a late game, real missed opportunity not making the third game belong to Kansas City. 

    • Huh? 1
  6. The Bay Area territory issue never made sense to me. The Dodgers and Angels have the same territory. So do the Cubs and White Sox. The White Sox almost moved to the near western suburbs and would have been, though farther from Wrigley itself, closer to the Cubs' suburban base than to the Sox' own base. The A's shouldn't have been in the position to sell San Jose to the Giants because it should have been both of theirs all along. What a stupid situation.

    • Like 3
  7. 5 minutes ago, LAWeaver said:

    I've been a sideline reporter once or twice (okay, it was when I was in college radio covering a D3 program...) but honestly, I totally get where they're coming from, minus the bit about coaches smelling their perfume.


    Rod Marinelli dodging bullets like he's back in Vietnam, the story is somehow not him going "mmmm you smell niiiiice"

    • Like 1
  8. I'm going to dissent and say that Charissa Thompson is in big trouble for this, not for what she said but where she said it. She delegitimized journalists while guesting on Barstool. She will be punished for that. Even if she keeps her job, she will become a pariah in her professional circles.

  9. 7 hours ago, ruttep said:

    I both love and hate how much the Hurricanes twitter account leans into their persona. It's actually infuriating.


    It's funny, because I know I've said before that I could have envisioned the Hartford Whalers making a play for a low-density national fanbase through sheer idiosyncrasy: "a team for the rest of us," kind of what the Oakland A's have done. Someone here told me I was wrong and delusional and such a thing would have been impossible, but the Hurricanes seem to have done precisely that by being Weird Twitter: The Sports Team, and I can't help but think what ever sort of wackiness I had envisioned for a staying-put Whalers would be nowhere near as insufferable as what these McMansion sprawl-creatures have given us.

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