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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. 6 hours ago, BBTV said:

    Harden (and the Sixers in general) are the anti-Phillies and anti-Eagles.  I can't imagine two franchises that are more involved in the community and where each player independently does so much local work and supports good causes.  They - especially the individual Phillies - truly feel like your neighbors.


    But the Sixers?  Maybe it's due to Josh Harris' ownership, but other than hiring 3rd-party contractors to half-assedly build basketball courts that people get shot at, haven't done anything of note that I can think of. 


    Haven't the Phils been owned for many years not by A Guy but by a whole consortium of local businessmen? Maybe that's kept them a little more grounded in the community than all the NBA teams owned by hedge fund managers from somewhere else. All the small-timers from the old David Stern bloc are cashed out or dead. But even by NBA standards, I've gotten that vibe from the Sixers, too: take their years of tanking while spreadsheet-jockeying and add trying to drop a new arena into a neighborhood because they think they deserve it.


    That rule is nonsense, by the way; coaches are entitled to healthy scratches. That's the point of having more players than roster spots. 

  2. I think the window for St. Petersburg representation has loudly slammed shut. For one thing, the city is named after the old capital of Russia, a country that everyone hates. "Tampa Bay" has fully superseded the old "Tampa-St. Pete" as the nickname for the whole metropolitan area* such that even the St. Petersburg Times started going by Tampa Bay instead. Maybe there was a time when branding as a St. Pete team rather than a Tampa team would have made sense, and an StP mongram would have looked neat on a cap, but that time was 1998 or 2008, and not now. 




    I'll never be on board with "the Metroplex" for Dallas-Ft. Worth. That just sounds like a mid-tier office park, even if that's what Dallas kind of is.


    • Like 3
  3. Yeah, just tweaking downstate. 


    My favorite Vikings stadium was when they played at the Gophers stadium. That should have been a combined effort, too. So the Cities got one Super Bowl out of building another dome just for the Vikings. Big deal. Waste of money. I thought they were all tightwads up there.

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    • Yawn 1
  4. No better evidence of Chicago's weakness as a college football town than the Bears having to schlep all the way out to Missouri: The Director's Cut to find a marginally acceptable interim venue.


    Trying to do a few games at Wrigley Field would have been fun, but that was when the Tribune owned the Cubs and wasn't keen on using Wrigley for anything but baseball, which actually may have been the right move, in retrospect. Another right move might have been building a combined Bears/Northwestern stadium in Evanston. Oh well.

    • Huh? 1
  5. On 10/26/2023 at 10:08 PM, Dilbert said:

    At a St Petersburg council meeting, the Rays gave a presentation on the new stadium development project. Apparently part of the agreement is the Rays play one game, wearing "St Petersburg Rays" jerseys (pending MLB approval). 


    "St. Petersburg Rays" sounds okay, and if they'd rebranded as that in 2008 to make a cleaner break from "Tampa Bay Devil Rays," I wouldn't have minded, but this isn't just a dopey half-measure, it's a dopey 1/81-measure. 

  6. On 10/19/2023 at 10:07 PM, Survival79 said:

    San Diego FC logo revealed; team to start play in MLS in 2025


    The club’s official colors were labeled in the explainer as “chrome and azul,” while the crest is said to center around four “principal virtues” that define San Diego: “Gratitude, proud, not loud, diversity and a state of flow.”


    That flow motif is evident in the central portion of the crest, which the club points out consists of “18 lines representing the 18 communities of San Diego County.”



    shut up shut up shut up (not you personally)

    • Like 3
  7. It's more apparent up close. It blended in with the white from a distance and/or in motion. 


    Also consider that it was absent from names and numbers, which were just red/black/white. Combine those two, and you can see how people would write off the silver as being just kind of wedged in there and not a true part of the color scheme, making them Another Red/Black Team. Compare with (don't get mad) the 1992-97 Whalers, where silver was more prominent than green (this was by design, some marketing brain genius thought they'd sell more Whalers merch in New England by trying to look like the Dallas Cowboys). 

    • Like 2
    • Huh? 1
  8. When the Senators' attendance was dropping below five figures, you never saw me crowing about how this proves that Ottawa is a failure and their team needs to be moved to a southern Yankee Containment Zone with a surprisingly good craft beer scene.

    • Like 4
    • Eyeroll 1
  9. 29 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:

    The only problem with the dynasty Pats uniform was the side panels. Don't get why people act like it was a Cardinals-tier fiasco

    Bad logo, but that had been a problem for years. The Techno Team 2000 nameplates were a problem that the new set fixed.

  10. On 10/19/2023 at 10:38 AM, OnWis97 said:

    I assumed that going back to E-W would be unpopular because people seemed to like it when it came out, but maybe it's growing stale. I prefer it simply because I know who's playing on which team. I also don't find the whole "all-star draft" compelling in the least. I hope they go back. While nobody cares about the conferences they way we used to care about the AL and NL, nothing about East/West was the reason the game stinks.


    Well, we know they can't steal "North America v. the World" from the NHL like they did the playground draft, we're not ready for that one

  11. 1 minute ago, Sport said:

    A bunch of team handball people came after me four or five years ago on Twitter when I said if you gave our best quarterbacks and our best soccer goalie six months they could win Olympic gold at team handball. I still think I’m right. 

    Why stop there? Let's get an NBA backup point guard in the mix. This would be an amazing documentary: The Fever Dream Team.

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