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Posts posted by ESTONES6

  1. I'm not sure what it means for this thread (the "pointlessness" of this thread to me is very important and profound, and I don't know how you interpret it), but you all must forgive me for "reporting" ESTONES6 and Griffinmarlins. I hope nothing happens to either of you, and I may have ruined this topic for everyone.

    ESTONES6 for being "Genius."

    Griffinmarlins for being "Homophobe."

    I'm truly sorry I have ruined this for myself.

    What? You reported these guys? How was Griffinmarlins being Homophobic?

    The entirety of the thread is "REALIGNMENT" not the "pointless" part. That was just someone trying to be funny. You are the one and only one who is derailing this thread with your "pointless" crap that really has no "point" being anywhere in any thread. You make absolutely no sense. You contribute absolutely nothing. And honestly you should be the one reported for being an utter pain in the ass.

    As I pointed out in a previous post, he continues to make every post just one giant run on sentence.

    I gotta say... I've said some pretty stupid, sad, mean, dumb, and idiotic things on this forum and I've pissed a lot of people off. But I think getting reported by max for being awesome totally gets me off the hook for all the stupid :censored: I've ever posted on here.

  2. I didn't expect this issue (currently on the front page of ESPN's soccer page) to produce any serious viewpoints in this forum, but I thought I could just prove to the chairman of the Cameroon soccer association that the method the World Cup committee uses, to allot the amount of places in the tournament for each continental confederation (FIFA Rankings), should produce an argument against the CAF not being issued more allotments, but fewer.

    WTF is realignment?

    Does this kid ever use GD punctuation? Everything is a giant run on with commas everywhere.

  3. The Big12 is meeting later this month. The Commissioner said the Big12 may become more proactive. They are looking at adding 6 more teams. It is coming, people. Don't think for a second it isn't. It has been coming for years. The payoff is almost here.

    It might happen, but the Big XII scooping up Northern Illinois and Tulsa ain't exactly what I'd call a payoff.

    Now, if they managed to swing the Florida State-Clemson deal, the avalanche will probably start.

    They wont add six teams unless FSU and Clemson are involved. The four others are buddies for FSU and Clemson.

    Well no :censored:. Of course they are going after Florida State and Clemson. I would expect Cincinatti, Louiville, Clemson, and Florida State. As for the other 2 teams, its intriguing to me. I would assume they would like Georgia Tech and North Carolina. But if this motivates the B16 TEN to speed up their invitations (which it will), I would expect Georgia Tech and North Carolina to go to the B16 TEN, leaving Virginia and Virginia Tech to get an invite from the Big XII. Just think if that would happen... talk about a big F-U to the SEC. Clemson, Florida State, Georgia Tech, North Carolina, and Virginia Tech all being swept from under their nose.

    I like it.

  4. Well it was a good thread until that nutjob started showing up.

    I've actually been working a full college re-landscape, including new conference logos, footprint maps, school location and color maps, and a standard helmet for each school. Now I'm not sure I want to work on it anymore.

    Please don't stop working on it. I really want to see this. Sounds like a really good idea.

    I've been piecing it together, little by little. Usually the winter is when our industry gets slow, but that hasn't been the case the last 2 years.

    I actually have written a narrative to go along with the realignment. I wrote it almost as if someone was doing a comprehensive summary of the shuffling, including time frames and thought process as to why certain schools jumped to different conferences. Once I have time to get moving on helmets, I will.

    I've been wrestling with helmet designs. I'm debating if I want to a sort of complete classic look where its mostly standard stripes (Ohio State, Penn State, Wisconsin, Florida) or basic logos (Iowa, Michigan State) without the crazy new sublimated patterns or newer style stripes (new Mizzou, Rutgers).

  5. Well it was a good thread until that nutjob started showing up.

    I've actually been working a full college re-landscape, including new conference logos, footprint maps, school location and color maps, and a standard helmet for each school. Now I'm not sure I want to work on it anymore.

  6. There are also only five "states" in the United States, North-West, North-East, South, Alaska and Hawaii (because they have no land borders with other states). List includes Washington, DC:


    Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan


    New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, DC, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois


    Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, California, Nevada, Utah, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia

    Alaska, Hawaii, *Puerto Rico

    These are the "states" that exist within the current structure geographical structure of the United States.

    States are paired with the one state they share the longest border with, and then those groupings of states are paired with the one group they share the longest border with (a border that could include more than one State).

    Electoral College:

    North-West = 82, 61 to Obama in 2012

    North-East = 238, 163 to Obama in 2012

    South = 211, 104 to Obama in 2012

    Others (AK, HI) = 7, 4 to Obama in 2012

    A third iteration would group the North-West and South groups together and create two "states" ("East," which would include Missouri and Arkansas, and "West," which would include the Southeastern States, Iowa, and Michigan).

    East = 238, 163 to Obama in 2012

    West = 293, 165 to Obama in 2012

    Others (AK, HI) = 7, 4 to Obama in 2012

    Here is the first iteration, 14 divisions, 12 groups from contiguous USA:













    New Mexico

    Texas (Texas' electoral vote would override the sum of all other states in this group)





    South Dakota

    North Dakota

    New Jersey


    New York


    Washington (Washington's electoral vote overrides Oregon's)



    Illinois (Illinois' electoral vote overrides the sum of all other states in the group)

    California (California's electoral vote overrides the sum of all others in the group)





    New Hampshire



    Rhode Island




    West Virginia


    North Carolina


    South Carolina







    *Now I want to do this with counties!

    Source: There are 109 land-borders in the USA

    Dude... seriously. No one here cares about what you are posting. You have brought this thread to a complete stop. This used to be a funny but still legitimate thread. Now its bull :censored: because you are a pretentious assclown. We are on a sports forum. No one is coming here to read about the Electoral College. Everyone knows the Electoral College is BS, which makes me think you would be in support of it.

    Im not trying to be a d!ck, but please can you get lost? You are driving everyone insane.

    • Like 2
  7. Look, you go from the electoral college to proving you're a Wichita Wranglers fan. What the hell, man?

    I'm saying you can't prove bias if I change my avatar. "Gerrymandering" is notorious, and probably synonymous with "biased realignment."

    I should change this theory, bold added:

    should the electoral college be done away with? If you say yes, you think that every vote should count, regardless of geography (indicating a penchant for a balanced schedule and therefore less interest in a playoff championship like the Super Bowl, World Series, Stanley Cup). If you say no, you believe states should gather more votes depending on their populations and the structure of Congress (to be interpreted as a penchant for grouping teams based on playoff format or having divisions/conferences for the sake of divisions/conferences because of tradition, etc.).

    No one said anything about your damn avatar. Only you did. The only thing anyone's said at all about any of your posts is how they make absolutely no sense and how we're all sick of seeing them.

    Am I the only other person who thinks Max is on his second semester of college and is trying to show off his new, extensive vocabulary and liberated thought process? I mean it sounds like, he just completed English 1000 and General History 1010 in the Fall. Unfortunatly, Logic 1000 and English 2000 aren't given until next Fall semester. So, putting cohesive and logical arguements together haven't been taught to him yet by the Hippy TA with dread locks yet.

  8. Or this one:

    Same idea as the geographic rivals baby-feed, but with team sanctioned "dates of establishment."

    And this question:

    should the electoral college be done away with? If you say yes, you think that every vote should count, regardless of geography (indicating a penchant for a balanced schedule). If you say no, you believe states should gather more votes depending on their populations and the structure of Congress (to be interpreted as a penchant for grouping teams based on playoff format or having divisions/conferences for the sake of divisions/conferences because of tradition, etc.).

    Maybe I'm trying to gerrymander with no bias (prove I am a fan of the Wichita Wranglers, better yet, I'll change my avatar - I just remember the logo on Minor League Baseball cards I bought a long time ago).

    Seriously... STFU and GTFOutta here.

  9. And this is the pointless realignment outpost. The place for us to share all the crazy realignment ideas that run through our heads while keeping us from posting a new NCAA realignment in the NCAA realignment thread every time one new team jumps conferences.

    "Pointless" being that its impossible to predict but not void of reason or logic. This kid claims he has reason for his realignments, but he can never articulate what the reasoning or logic is. Even though the title says its pointless, you still have to stay on track. You can't just :censored: on the carpet and call it art.

  10. For us:

    Playoffs: Playoffs are inherently unbalanced with an unbalanced schedule. Necessary?

    Scheduling: Scheduling is necessary, and could be based on many factors including geographical proximity, other rivalries, and questions of home team arena.

    Rivalry: Rivalry is inherent in sports league structures with teams with geographical identity. In all major sports leagues, league divisions are based on rivalry and geography.

    Everything I can't explain: these factors exist or don't, but I don't know about them.

    You are some kind of stupid.

    Yes rivalry exists in sports and it's what makes sports great. But no league, in any sport, at amy level, is stupid enough to construct playoffs and season schedules souly on rivalries. That defeats the whole :censored:ing purpose of having a season and playoffs. It's a complete failure of logic.

    Seriously. Your poor attempts to be cheeky and coy are failing miserably. You are not being profound in the least. Just give it a rest.

  11. The NBA doesn't need more games. If anything, they need to cut down. And it's highly unlikely Vancouver gets another expansion team.

    In all honesty, with the the way they NBA playoffs are set up now with 8 teams per conference, a division alignment of 4 teams per division, with 8 divisions might be ideal. It would eliminate all of the issues with the 3 division winner and next highest record getting home court. It would force it to be ONLY division winners.

  12. How exactly does beating the team closest to you earn a playoff spot? Proximity means nothing in deciding who is in and who's out of the playoffs. You set up divisions. Who ever has the best record, that means WINS the most games, goes to the playoffs. He absolutely makes 0% sense.

    I could understand if he set them up according to Time Zone, but he doesn't even follow that rigidly. Or even if he put it according to market size/team revenue. He acts like he is so profound (Illuminati), like we are too much of simpletons do understand is moronic divisions. The whole point of the playoffs is to have a large enough sample size to definitevely say you are the best in the division.

    By organizing a 2 team division and a 7 team division in the same league, its pretty much makes the playoffs pointless, in any league, in any sport. If you are in a 2 team division, all you gotta do is match up well against ONE other opponent. Like when the Warriors beat the Mavericks in the first round. The Mavs were one of the best teams in the ENTIRE league that year, but they had a poor match up against Golden State.

    Can we just give this guy the boot?

  13. What's sad is that there are SOME divisions that actually make sense. I mean, its rare, but some you kind of look at and ok, OK, sure. But that's usually 1 out of 5 or 6 and the rest are just completely off the reservation.

    Although I like the Counsin Eddie comparison... I was thinking more of Cousin Eddie if he joined the Illuminati or the Free Masons.

  14. What the... ??? Why did you quote me and totally in the wrong manner? Even without all the mumbo jumbo numbers you still don't make sense. Beating your closest geographical neighbor means nothing if they have a .250 winning percentage and someone else's geographical neighbor has a .680. And minor league hockey and other minor leagues play so many local games because leagues are set-up as closely geographical leagues. They're the minors. They don't have the financial resources that major league teams do to travel back and forth across the country.

    Wait... so you mean playing in a Division with only 1 other team isn't as good of a gauge, league wide, as playing in a division for 4-6 teams?

    Only if they're located more than 0.037459274830184637 miles from the primary bathroom of the other team.

    Well I mean that makes sense.

  15. What the... ??? Why did you quote me and totally in the wrong manner? Even without all the mumbo jumbo numbers you still don't make sense. Beating your closest geographical neighbor means nothing if they have a .250 winning percentage and someone else's geographical neighbor has a .680. And minor league hockey and other minor leagues play so many local games because leagues are set-up as closely geographical leagues. They're the minors. They don't have the financial resources that major league teams do to travel back and forth across the country.

    Wait... so you mean playing in a Division with only 1 other team isn't as good of a gauge, league wide, as playing in a division for 4-6 teams?

  16. I think there are plenty of Tech blogs that have established within the past few weeks that the words "big data" and "troll" are not to be used ever again.

    Do you blame me for delivering the data poorly? That is my fault. Fact is, it's data that myself or one of the teams of trolls I have working for me across the globe have collected. It is free.

    I am sorry for not making sense, but there is only so much that I can convince myself that I can explain thoroughly.

    Explain what? It's just random data that means nothing. 99.9% of the time you don't even say WHY you're posting this data, you just throw out some cities and numbers as if we all know what you're talking about. It's completely worthless.

    Studies show that 75% of people will believe anything you write as long as your begin the statement with "Studies show" and throw in a numerical value somewhere.

    • Like 1
  17. Chinese Basketball Association

    North Division



    East Division







    Central Division







    South Division (this region plays the best basketball)




    What is with you and massively unbalanced divisions? It was stupid in the MLB and its stupid with all these ideas. I get the whole beat your neighbor thing, but there is far better criteria that should be and is used when coming up with divisions... first of which is balancing the divisions unless absolutly numerically impossible.

  18. Has anyone thought about the B16 TEN adding basketball only schools? I'm curious to see the financial benefit it could add to the BTN contract.

    You'd think folks would have learned from the self-destruction of the Big East, but to answer your question, there is no financial benefit that outweighs the structural instability that comes from a football league adding members who don't get this football thing.

    The Big East was a basketball conference with a couple football members. The B16 TEN is a football conference that has some good basketball. If it were to work with ANY conference, it would be the B16 TEN.

    The instability of the Big East came from many of the major basketball schools Not having football. That's not the case with the B16 TEN. If the basketball schools want to leave, they can leave. It could actually work.

    Comparing the Big East to the B16 TEN is pretty naive.

  19. Has anyone thought about the B16 TEN adding basketball only schools? I'm curious to see the financial benefit it could add to the BTN contract.

    Not much. Remember, all of this movement is largely done for football purposes, so basketball only schools won't be seen as valuable because they have one sport as it's money maker.

    Even then, what good would it do to add a school for just one sport?

    Just curious. Since the B16 TEN gets a higher percentage from viewers in a state that contains a school in the conference. I'm sure there is some sort of other stipulation for basketball as well, not just football. The B16 TEN is so money driven, I can't believe they wouldnt have thought about that.

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