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Posts posted by ESTONES6

  1. I dunno. I still think Mizzou would prefer being a top basketball and football program in the Big 10 as opposed to a top basketball program and middle of the pack football program in the SEC. Not to mention, the immediate financial impact would be greater with the Big 10 as opposed to the SEC.

    As for the "golden goose" comment... sure... I would consider them a golden goose. Perennial ranked teams in both basketball and football, keeping the rivalry with Nebraska, as well as bringing in the Kansas City and St. Louis markets. I'd say its pretty golden.

    Fine... Mizzou is a Golden Tiger, not a goose.

    The recruiting and money they'd get from the SEC is far greater than the B1G.

    Recruiting... maybe (probably). Money... debatable. It all depends on the terms the SEC sets up and if they can swindle the same way the Big 10 did, which could be difficult with the economy - even though College Football is a cash crop.

  2. With Alabama seemingly on board, it appears they're going to be approved and Mizzou wants to go to the SEC, so it's more than likely a done deal.

    Uhg. Sad day for the Big 10 and their arrogance. They let a golden goose slip away.

    And Mizzou fans everywhere thank 'em for that. :)

    I dunno. I still think Mizzou would prefer being a top basketball and football program in the Big 10 as opposed to a top basketball program and middle of the pack football program in the SEC. Not to mention, the immediate financial impact would be greater with the Big 10 as opposed to the SEC.

    As for the "golden goose" comment... sure... I would consider them a golden goose. Perennial ranked teams in both basketball and football, keeping the rivalry with Nebraska, as well as bringing in the Kansas City and St. Louis markets. I'd say its pretty golden.

    Fine... Mizzou is a Golden Tiger, not a goose.

  3. Big East should just let their football conference fold and go to basketball only. All their FB schools are leaving and they're basically just gonna take over Conference USA. Cut your losses and move on.

    Cincinnati (and possibly Louisville and West Virginia) beg to differ.

    Yeah but how long will that last if the Big XII come knocking? Or better yet, the Big 10 and the SEC (looking strictly at West Virginia)?

  4. A few quick items:

    1-Rutgers is now "officicially exploring their options" if they really have any.

    2- Last year, the Big East presidents/chancellors rejected a proposal from the commissioner to raise their exit fee from $5M to $17-20M.

    3-Conference USA exit fee is $7M.

    4-Remember, this will still trickle down to conferences like the CAA and A-10 since there are teams there looking to move up to FBS.

    Rutgers may actually have options... the Big 10.

  5. I wonder if this latest realignment will give the Big East the courage to tell Notre Dame to either join as a full member or go screw.

    I think they need to force the issue with Notre Dame. But I think the Big East is reluctant because Notre Dame does have a good basketball program... and that's pretty much all the Big East can hang their hat on at this point. I think the loss of Notre Dame in basketball/other sports has far less magnitude than gaining Notre Dame in football.

    Personally, I don't like that a school can be a partial member of a conference, when that conference supports the sport and division that the school has a program for. The Big East has a BCS football program and ND has a BCS football program, therefore, there should be no option to remain independent if every other ND sport is in the Big East.

    I don't think ND wants to join the Big 10, but I think they are more willing to join the Big 10 than the Big East since the Big East's football has take a sharp decline with the loss of Pitt and TCU - and who knows who else.

    Notre Dame's arrogance keeps them independent, and their same arrogance wants them to be the LAST school to jump ship. If the SEC went to 16, the Pac 12 went to 16 (resulting in the collapse of the Big XII), the ACC and Big East merge into a 16 school football conference and massive basketball conference, and the Big 10 settles on 14 or 15 members... I think Notre Dame wants to puff their chest out and say they were the last independent... they were the last domino to fall.

  6. I mean, I don't think the Big East establishing themselves as a dominant basketball conference was necessarily a BAD idea. They could have realized that they really won't be able to compete with the Big 10 and the SEC in football for the Midwest to East markets... even the ACC to an extent.

    I think they had foresight enough to look at the revenue making sports and establish a strong foothold in basketball and just assumed football is football and will always turn a profit. However, I don't think they had enough foresight to think about this dramatic re-alignment that may or may not take place... or already has taken place (Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Texas A&M, Pitt, Syracuse, Texas Christian).

    I think its inevitable that we will move to 5 major football conferences. I think the SEC and Big 10 are going to pick up a few ACC/Big East schools, the Big XII will settle in at 10, the Pac 12 will settle at 12, and the Big East and ACC will form some sort of left over conference. It may not be in the foreseeable future, but I think it is an inevitability.

    FSU and Clemson are the only schools that might leave, an even that seems unlikely. They'll probably add UConn and Rutgers an go to 16, maybe down to 14, but that's about it. ACC has pretty much already engulfed the Big Easy schools it wants. Whatever us left after WCU, L'ville an Cincy find a new home will just be CUSA essentially.

    I think West Virginia is still in play for the SEC... either as the 14th and final member, or the 16th and final member. I think West Virginia is the bottom of the short wish list (Mizzou, Florida State, Miami, Clemson) for the SEC. I just can't believe they have been disregarded so quickly by both the SEC and Big 10. I understand it more from the Big 10's perspective because it is not an upper-echelon academic school, but it is well above average in football and basketball, increases footprint, and sets up a Big 10 East Division easily.

    There is just too much money to be made. Has anyone heard significant rumors about the future of the BCS/Playoff System? A lot of people think that if the major football conferences are reduced just 5 or even 4, that it is all but decided for a playoff system. I almost think if its 5 or more so 4, that it would make things easier for the BCS because it reduces the number of conferences, reducing the number of cross-over conference games. I think it would almost be easier for them to look at the non-conferences games, and take the 4 major bowls + a national title and just say the top 2 teams from each conference get a BCS bowl bid.

  7. I mean, I don't think the Big East establishing themselves as a dominant basketball conference was necessarily a BAD idea. They could have realized that they really won't be able to compete with the Big 10 and the SEC in football for the Midwest to East markets... even the ACC to an extent.

    I think they had foresight enough to look at the revenue making sports and establish a strong foothold in basketball and just assumed football is football and will always turn a profit. However, I don't think they had enough foresight to think about this dramatic re-alignment that may or may not take place... or already has taken place (Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Texas A&M, Pitt, Syracuse, Texas Christian).

    I think its inevitable that we will move to 5 major football conferences. I think the SEC and Big 10 are going to pick up a few ACC/Big East schools, the Big XII will settle in at 10, the Pac 12 will settle at 12, and the Big East and ACC will form some sort of left over conference. It may not be in the foreseeable future, but I think it is an inevitability.

  8. Right now, the BTN makes more money than the SEC broadcasting contracts... and I believe the Big 10 splits their money evenly. I don't think that is the case for the SEC. I think once the SEC gets their own Network, it will make more than the Big 10, but I think the Big 10 is proactive in a lot of ways. I think BTN + Mizzou would be greater than SEC Network + Mizzou. I think the sleeper bargaining chip the Big 10 has is Nebraska. I think the Big 10 values tradition more than other conferences, so they may be able to BS something about re-starting the Nebraska/Missouri Rivalry to go along with a lot of the other Big 10 rivalries.

    Just to throw it out there, the SEC does split it's money evenly.

    K. I wasn't sure. I'm glad you clarified. I might have been mixing up the Big XII and the SEC. I just remember reading something about weighted revenue sharing, but it was at the ass-crack of dawn, so I probably did mix it up.

  9. I can tell you that it seems like the vast majority of Mizzou fans want the SEC. Myself included. Better recruiting AND more money.

    Saying you'd rather be in the B1G but would "settle" for the SEC is like a baseball free agent saying he'd rather be with the Yankees but would "settle" for the Red Sawks.

    I never said that. One person did and it amounted to nothing. Probably just someone running their mouth, making statements on their own personal preference.

    For the record, that was me. And it was officially reported in an ESPN article from an "anonymous official inside of the University of Missouri".

    The article didn't say "settle" but it did say that the Big 10 is Missouri's primary, first choice. But it also said that they would be excited to join the SEC, too.

  10. I can tell you that it seems like the vast majority of Mizzou fans want the SEC. Myself included. Better recruiting AND more money.

    Well, I think it depends who you talk to. I think Mizzou would have a much harder time winning a National Title trying to play through Alabama, Auburn, Florida, LSU, Georgia, Arkansas, aTm, than they would having to play through Wisconsin, Ohio State, Michigan/State, and Nebraska.

    Not only that, when it comes to both Mizzou AND Notre Dame, if they were to both join the Big 10 and they could run the table in the Big 10, including wins over 2 of the top 4 or 5 teams, they would be shoe-ins for a National Title if the other major schools in the major conferences - Oregon, USC, Texas, Oklahoma - all have 1 loss.

    Right now, the BTN makes more money than the SEC broadcasting contracts... and I believe the Big 10 splits their money evenly. I don't think that is the case for the SEC. I think once the SEC gets their own Network, it will make more than the Big 10, but I think the Big 10 is proactive in a lot of ways. I think BTN + Mizzou would be greater than SEC Network + Mizzou. I think the sleeper bargaining chip the Big 10 has is Nebraska. I think the Big 10 values tradition more than other conferences, so they may be able to BS something about re-starting the Nebraska/Missouri Rivalry to go along with a lot of the other Big 10 rivalries.

  11. If the B1G wanted Mizzou they would have taken them in 2010 instead of Nebraska.

    No. Nebraska was the prized horse in 2010. I think the Big 10 wants to expand further, as the rumor was that they want to expand to 16 teams, with four 4 team divisions. I just think the Big 10 does not want the finger pointed at them as the Conference that destroyed College Football as we know it.

    To be honest, I think the Big 10 saw Nebraska and Notre Dame as their 2 prizes schools. They got 1 of them. I am certain that the Big 10 knows that if the Big 10 goes to 15 teams, and there is the formation of 4 (maybe 5) super conferences, ND will follow suit and join the Big 10. I think the Big 10 has a calculated plan of attack on WHO they want to go after and when. They Big 10 has a cockiness and arrogance about themselves... i just hope it doesn't come back to bite them in the ass when the SEC and Pac 12 decide to move to 16-team Conferences and the Big 10 is still stuck in their ways.

  12. I've read that if Mizzou leaves before December 1st, they only have to pay what aTm paid, around $12.5m. Neinas has sorta been in denial ever since he took over. He said Mizzou was no doubt staying.. now they're exploring. He's basically just trying to do the whole "if I say it enough, it will come true" thing.

    Bleh. I just hope the Big 10 sees how they have a golden egg just waiting, hoping to get picked up by them. I think the SEC is a better football-style fit for Mizzou, but geographically, economically, and rivalry-wise, I think the Big 10 would better suit them.

    (If you haven't noticed... I'm trying the same method. I say Mizzou to the Big 10 enough, and hopefully it happens.)

  13. According to the Boston Globe, the Big Least is considering adding Boise State, Air Force, and Navy for football only. Temple and UCF would be added in all sports.

    If this happens, I hope it's just a stepping stone to the Big 12 (like what happened with TCU).

    Now its just getting ridiculous. If that is the direction this realignment is going to take place, then what is the point of even having conferences?

    It's just their last ditch effort to maintain their BCS AQ status. May it fail miserably.


    Obviously... but wouldn't it almost be better to try and pick up some MAC schools that going out to Boise State and Air Force? I mean, are they really thinking that flying across the country can maintain conference stability?

  14. :flagcanada:

    McGill to the Ivy League?!?! Or the University of Toronto to the Big East?!?! I can't wait to see what this rumor amounts to :P

    In other reel-line-mint news, word's coming out that UConn was to be the 2nd ACC invite with Syracuse, but that move was struck down by no other than Boston College. Still no love lost between those two from the 2004 ACC raid it looks like

    Why in the hell does BC have so much pull. They have done nothing in the ACC. Who cares if they're in the Boston media market either.

    Who cares about the Boston market? My guess is the ACC cares.

    I really am having a hard time figuring out what the SEC is doing. I'm not sure how its going to cause so much more problems inviting a 14th member as opposed to operating with 13. Especially when it comes to a school like Mizzou who has the same style of football play, who brings in a solid football program and probably will be one of their best basketball programs. They wouldn't be stealing Mizzou from the Big 10, but it would definitely open up a new market to the SEC, especially with the Mizzou/Nebraska rivalry.

    My only guess could be that, internally, the SEC feels that if they expand to 14, then the Big 10 and the Pac 12 will try expanding to 14, and maybe beyond. If that's the case, I think they are worried about losing Texas and Oklahoma to the Pac 12. Or, they want to try and sell members 14, 15 and 16 to Texas, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State.

  15. Conferences do NOT want to add second and third tier schools in states where they already have a presence. That's why Louisville isn't going to be invited to the SEC because its not a top tier school like say Florida State, even Clemson to a lesser extent. These conferences want to add States, they want to add footprints.

    The Big XII is a different story because they are trying to recruit schools at a rapid pace since they have lost 2 schools already and will probably be losing a third in the not too distant future. Yes, they still have Oklahoma and Texas, which is enough for any conference to at least be relevant. But they need to aggressively expand.

    As for Maryland... get real. Playing Duke twice per year in basketball is a small sacrifice when you can play Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, Purdue, Michigan State, Nebraska and Wisconsin in football.

    I think the most fascinating part about realignment is going to come from the non-premier schools that change conferences. Nebraska to the Big 10 and Texas A&M to the SEC were perfect fits at the perfect time. They were big football programs, with large national followings, that fit in competitively and geographically just about perfectly. My interest gets increased from schools like Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia, Kansas, Kansas State... where schools like those end up, and then the impact the new conferences have on those school. Does enrollment go up? Does the football and basketball playing field become more level? Does recruiting increase?

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