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Everything posted by SplashBoogie

  1. RT @POTUS: there's a hardship exemption; fine only applies to folks who can afford insurance but choose not to. https://t.co/XWFEKbZCaT

  2. RT @michaelarria: 6 black churches have been set on fire in a week, but thank God there's been no CVS arson lately. http://t.co/kztLdrLlLy

  3. Damn I thought I followed that artist. They were really amazing and now I can't find them to save my life.

  4. So in review. I'm decent. @PsycoJoeInc is a little broken. Brianna is ridiculously broken.

  5. If Grand Ace Attorney doesn't come to the US, I will lose my :censored: completely

  6. RT @dcorsetto: AAAAAAAA!! Google made their logo RAINBOW colors for... oh wait a minute.

  7. Let It Burn and Let It Go crossed in my mind and it was very jarring

  8. RT @IAmCreeSummer: Every Time I Hear A Mean Joke About Being Canadian , I Go To The Hospital And Get My Feelings Checked For Free ?? http:/…

  9. Oh hell every team's championship totals are off. I have to redo the logos.

  10. Getting hopped up on aloe vera water. #turnt

  11. 150 years later and we're still reminding the South they lost.

  12. Overrated:St. Louis Rams [ ]New Orleans Saints [ ]Kansas City Chiefs [X]Dolphins [-1]Detroit Lions [X]

  13. Attention #Denton around the #UNT area: a white cat named Mikey is running about Carroll. If you are missing a cat be on the lookout

  14. Okay so now I have some rough time estimates. 12 minute episode -> 2 hours recording, about 10 hours of editing.

  15. So far Tampa Bay is doing exactly what they did in 2004 vs. Calgary, lose game 1, win game 2. Ideally they'll just win the next three but

  16. Protecting on the turn you're gonna die on anyways is pretty lame. Like okay thanks for dragging this match out one more turn

  17. RT @TheBriefing2016: A look at the different ways states are making it harder for many people to vote: http://t.co/eadDom7yBe

  18. In other news Timehop is going to be a MESS today in a year

  19. RT @missokistic: Latest 2016 GOP candidates-Rick Perry-Portrait of Reagan-Bootstraps-Nest of spiders-Bag of money with a "$" on it-J…

  20. Keep the Cup in the South! #GoBolts

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