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Everything posted by SplashBoogie

  1. LRT top kek. Trying to tell me how to have (white) friends

  2. Rick Perry is going to be the first out. I'm gonna lose my bet on Carly Fiorina being the first off Idiot Island.

  3. Darren Wilson Day? Good lord nuke it from orbit.

  4. RT @TheOnion: Here are the most used words in the GOP debate: http://t.co/vA0iqXE452 http://t.co/iTxpUnZcAy

  5. RT @byronclarknz: I set up my web browser to automatically change "political correctness" to "treating people with respect" http://t.co/yvN…

  6. "Guns can't be regulated someone will always find a way to get oneNow about those abortions..."

  7. RT @sunniesaurusrex: Donald Trump: How dare Megyn not treat me like royalty and behave like a good little girl because I am a rich man and …

  8. At any rate a certain friend has started her graphic novel and I'm not going to be left behind by her so we keep on.

  9. RT @TheDailyEdge: Rand Paul: "We need to stop sending money to places that hate us and burn our flag. Like South Carolina" #GOPDebate http:…

  10. If you want to really feel weird about life watch an episode of Shimoneta

  11. "It'll get a chuckle out of your mates but I wouldn't take it on stage."


  13. I love their jerseys but hate the logo. They could have easily just recolored what they had, despite what the owner or whoever was said when they were unveiled. I think they should've went with an entirely different identity when they left Minneapolis. I get the nod to the North Stars, but I've just never been a fan of what they later became (adding black for the most of it). I also think it looks incredibly weird that a Dallas-based team isn't using blue, but that's more of a personal perspective of mine. I still think their current look is the best they've ever looked as the "Dallas Stars". Also, I would've prefer if they went with "Texas" instead of "Dallas" because they're the only NHL team in their state. I'm excited to see Michigan Red Wings and the Massachusetts Bruins start up next season.
  14. I wonder what the 50th President of the United States is up to right now.

  15. Now I drew Meredith in Ghost Trick's style.I'm just going to keep doing this until I stop wanting to. http://t.co/V4Ew8gOSMj

  16. Gravity Falls is the most ridiculous nerd cartoon. I love it.

  17. I thought y'all were talking about Nipsey Russell. I really don't care about some rapper saying ill-advised things on twitter. #MatchGame

  18. Getting crushed to death by a hot air balloon is the most ridiculous cause of death in Ace Attorney history.

  19. This too will pass. I'm not going to let these jerks get to me.

  20. I :censored:ing hate Saturdays

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