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Everything posted by SplashBoogie

  1. Alright let's make a little more money than I had yesterday!

  2. Hmm this may be awkward.

  3. RT @nemalki: And Da Bulls looks sternly at all of the other NBA logos as they change a lot. https://t.co/l1JyZh0cSx

  4. I want to also learn MKX to play competitively maybe I'll put time into that later

  5. Also this logo is too good to not use. http://t.co/LohgLewKl6

  6. It's amazing how overnight the Mavs-Spurs rivalry has disappeared and we all just want to beat the :censored: out of the Clippers.

  7. One year ago me and @pollardgreens had a real bad sports day http://t.co/rYmgiyYnHC

  8. RT @JoshtheSandwich: So cops can dress like regular people to stop crimes, but I can't dress up like a cop to commit crimes? What a country.

  9. The Los Angeles Lakers will be moving to Seattle in the 2016-2017 Season (via @Chris_Broussard)

  10. My only optimism is when the Mavs won in 2011 there was no Finals expectations at this point in the offseason either.

  11. It might be Malice in the Palace II when the Clippers come to the AAC.

  12. I'll cheer for Lebron and the Cavs before I back the Clips against anybody.

  13. LRT I guess if I had to chose between being stabbed in the kidneys vs stabbed in the lungs...

  14. Anyone who honestly believes the Civil War wasn't about slavery needs to be removed the :censored: from office.

  15. Goddamnit Tampa Bay!

  16. How the **** can it be done properly? Don't give me the crap that a little patch wouldn't be too bad, it's still horrendously out of place and a disgusting symbol of greed.Obviously, it's clear to see how it can be viewed as "greedy", and I'm not hoping for it in any way, but there are companies out there that desperately want to advertise in avenues that are as marketable as NBA jerseys, so you could argue that denying them that privilege for something as silly as aesthetic value is also greedy.. Like I said, I'm not for it, and I'm a huge fan of maintaining the aesthetic integrity, but this is a business we're taking about, and they're in business to make money Since NBA teams are moving toward roundel usage anyways I think either something like MLS/Premier League do with their uniforms wouldn't be the worst thing on Earth.So roundels somehow make ads okay? I must say I do not understand that logic whatsoever.Also in a reasonable world, the NBA would lose money from ads because the they'd turn fans off, but obviously most sports fans these days have become drones who will blindly accept anything their team shoves at them. No. What I am saying is we have a template for how to make uniforms work with ads, be unique and still display the team logo. Do you think EPL fans are pissing and moaning like "Wow I'd love to buy this Man U logo if it wasn't for this dang corporate logo on the front. I guess I won't buy it!" And if you think the number of fans who will stop buying gear because of sponsors on the jerseys will outweigh the money a theoretical sponsor would bring to team/league I've got a bridge to sell you.
  17. I agree with most of these, don't know what the last one means but why is it OK for the cowboys to have two different blues??? It'd be such a simple fix and it would look so much better I have not seen a single concept on these boards or elsewhere where the unified blue looks as good as the current look. People always go with the dark blue and I really don't care for how that looks on the whites with the silver-green pants, which I also defend. Cowboys have the best look in the NFL. No tweaks neededAnd to the O6 everything about it is overrated. It's super easy to stack 24 championships when you won 13 of them when there were only six teams in the league. It's like is anyone proud of going to the playoffs in the Arena Football League? 2/3 of your conference goes to the playoffs because it's a joke set up. NHL was little league until 1967 in terms of number of teams. I agree. In theory, I should hate Dallas's mismatched blues but in practice I prefer it. The concepts never look as good as I'd think they would.I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I agree with most of these, don't know what the last one means but why is it OK for the cowboys to have two different blues??? It'd be such a simple fix and it would look so much better I have not seen a single concept on these boards or elsewhere where the unified blue looks as good as the current look. People always go with the dark blue and I really don't care for how that looks on the whites with the silver-green pants, which I also defend. Cowboys have the best look in the NFL. No tweaks neededAnd to the O6 everything about it is overrated. It's super easy to stack 24 championships when you won 13 of them when there were only six teams in the league. It's like is anyone proud of going to the playoffs in the Arena Football League? 2/3 of your conference goes to the playoffs because it's a joke set up. NHL was little league until 1967 in terms of number of teams. I agree. In theory, I should hate Dallas's mismatched blues but in practice I prefer it. The concepts never look as good as I'd think they would.I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me I just don't see it. How does navy look good with tiny amounts of royal blue and black? The "fixed" jersey concepts always look better to me Once is fine Sleuth and that's fine if you don't agree with me. If everyone held my opinion it wouldn't be very unpopular now would it
  18. "Will Aaron Rodgers face either Tom Brady or Peyton Manning in the Super Bowl this year because I said that?"PROBABLY!

  19. How the **** can it be done properly? Don't give me the crap that a little patch wouldn't be too bad, it's still horrendously out of place and a disgusting symbol of greed.Obviously, it's clear to see how it can be viewed as "greedy", and I'm not hoping for it in any way, but there are companies out there that desperately want to advertise in avenues that are as marketable as NBA jerseys, so you could argue that denying them that privilege for something as silly as aesthetic value is also greedy.. Like I said, I'm not for it, and I'm a huge fan of maintaining the aesthetic integrity, but this is a business we're taking about, and they're in business to make money Since NBA teams are moving toward roundel usage anyways I think either something like MLS/Premier League do with their uniforms wouldn't be the worst thing on Earth.
  20. Oh three more things -Throwback for throwback's sake is worse than BFBS -The new Bucks rebrand top to bottom sucks -Sleeved NBA jerseys don't bug me that much and if done properly I wouldn't mind ads on NBA jerseys.
  21. I agree with most of these, don't know what the last one means but why is it OK for the cowboys to have two different blues??? It'd be such a simple fix and it would look so much better I have not seen a single concept on these boards or elsewhere where the unified blue looks as good as the current look. People always go with the dark blue and I really don't care for how that looks on the whites with the silver-green pants, which I also defend. Cowboys have the best look in the NFL. No tweaks needed And to the O6 everything about it is overrated. It's super easy to stack 24 championships when you won 13 of them when there were only six teams in the league. It's like is anyone proud of going to the playoffs in the Arena Football League? 2/3 of your conference goes to the playoffs because it's a joke set up. NHL was little league until 1967 in terms of number of teams.
  22. Broke the lawnmover in 0.1 seconds. I hate lawnwork

  23. -The Dallas Mavericks should never have green in their uniform set again -The Dallas Cowboys having two different blues is fine. -The Buccaneers should NEVER go back to the Creamsicles (seriously, why would you want to wear a get up named after ice cream) -The Miami Marlins current logo is great. Not every team is the Yankees and a 90s team from Florida shouldn't be pretending like it is. -All Original Six teams, their mythos and their uniforms are highly overrated.
  24. :censored:ing hell NFL enough with London! https://t.co/yZVjuk40Tu

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