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Everything posted by J_Marrs_

  1. Somebody give me a sign, that everything's going as planned, And then everything falls away, #ADTR

  2. Seriously though, the Manny Pac Photoshops are cracking me up

  3. The Houston T3xan5

  4. I used to think I'd last forever #ABR

  5. Oh damn, I forgot the Bandits are changing their uni's can't wait to see 'em

  6. oh come on, I thought that was funny

  7. Oh heavens to Gretzky #HIMYM

  8. Oh, How I Met Your Mother

  9. " @RealTylerBody The patriots have tom brady and hes the best qb ever" * @deeverfever_17 voice*

  10. Literally called the Fitz pick on the 3rd play of the drive and if I remember right, it was the 3rd or close enough, what I expect now

  11. Instead of watching the Bills game, I will be working #Shinfo

  12. Thank you @ESPN @30for30 for the Bo Jackson documentary, showing that there was a time of super athletes & they weren't assumed of steroids

  13. Dey turk er jerbs

  14. Listening to the Backstreet Boys at work lol

  15. Up early for a Saturday

  16. Majestic like Big Foot, have caught a picture of TJ Haug in his natural environment. Pushing carts http://t.co/bgRouQtr

  17. 4 hours to bang out this paper for sports law #HereWeGo

  18. Nothing says #Merica like a "Speak English or get the hell out" Uncle Sam bumper sticker

  19. NHL off again, really is the worst day

  20. Absolute worst day ever

  21. Wah wah wahwah wah wah (in my Charlie Brown Adult voice)

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