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Bomba Tomba

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Posts posted by Bomba Tomba

  1. 17 minutes ago, Discrim said:

    Yeah, that's probably coming.


    Tonight, though, the Vikings, in both the modern look and the first concept-like thing I'm electing to do, not counting the mint Saints helmet-a tweaked version of the Moss era roads, in that the current viking head and number font are used.  If I'd used a yellow cream, I probably would've changed the sleeve stripes on the modern set to match the pants stripes, in case you're wondering.  


    Think a light yellow or maybe a steel gray would look good here

  2. On 8/7/2022 at 12:36 PM, Discrim said:

    I debated with myself on whether I should skip this next team or not, and curiosity won out, so here go the Steelers.  The tints used here are both intended to hint at steel in a couple disparate states...on top, a warm, molten tint...granted, actually trying to capture the distinct hues of molten steel would probably require a gradient, thus the talking up of a standard, yellow-orangish cream (though not as completely orange as the Bears version); on the bottom, a blue-gray tint, steel in its cooled, ready to build state, if you will.  Oddly enough, I like the warm cream here a lot more than I thought I would, mostly because gold doesn't get as lost here as it has a maddening tendency to when paired with warm cream shades.



    I prefer the gray one here, just really gives that steel vibe

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  3. Dude, it's a concept. If OP wants to imagine that the Texans can use the Oilers trademarks, let him.


    I agree with the shoulder numbers though. Wider shoulder stripe so they can fit, and how about change it to red on the home, white away, blue on the alt, just so all three colors are represented on the whole shoulder thing? White is also more visible against red than blue is on the away.

  4. 22 hours ago, WideRight said:

    32 teams on one template would be quite a challenge.  I am not going to attempt that, but feel free to try yourself.  

    Might take a crack at it over the weekend, emphasis on might.

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