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Posts posted by WavePunter

  1. Hey how about doing something challenge and ....... fictional? interested in doing that?

    So how about a football (not soccer) league based in DC Comics Map of USA?



    DC Comics Cities (8)

    Gotham City, NJ

    Metropolis, DE

    Fawcett City, WI

    Keystone City, KA

    Central City, MO

    St. Roch, LA

    Star City, CA

    Coast City, CA

    Real Cities: (16)

    New York City

    Los Angeles




    San Francisco


    Salt Lake City


    Washington DC







    Edit: Nvm.. Figured it out.. Was looking at a typo, but zoomed in on the map to see it better
  2. Oh three more things

    -Throwback for throwback's sake is worse than BFBS

    -The new Bucks rebrand top to bottom sucks

    -Sleeved NBA jerseys don't bug me that much and if done properly I wouldn't mind ads on NBA jerseys.

    How the **** can it be done properly? Don't give me the crap that a little patch wouldn't be too bad, it's still horrendously out of place and a disgusting symbol of greed.

    Obviously, it's clear to see how it can be viewed as "greedy", and I'm not hoping for it in any way, but there are companies out there that desperately want to advertise in avenues that are as marketable as NBA jerseys, so you could argue that denying them that privilege for something as silly as aesthetic value is also greedy.. Like I said, I'm not for it, and I'm a huge fan of maintaining the aesthetic integrity, but this is a business we're taking about, and they're in business to make money

  3. I'm ok with 2 alts.. That way, each team had their home whites, road greys, and can exhibit their primary color on one and their secondary color on the other.. If they wanna forego one of those for a throwback or something else, that's fine, but I think 2 alt's at the most is sufficient.. I also think there should be limitations placed on how much they can be worn

  4. I thought it might be a neat idea for simply a thread of logo concepts for existing teams/schools that everyone just posted, adding to constantly and randomly, with links on the first page to all posts for a particular school/team.. Similar to some of Ren's vintage logo threads, but with concept logos or logo updates, etc.

  5. I think Nike has been a huge downgrade in the NFL. Not so much for the designs. Reebok blew it with a few teams (not as bad as Nike did with the Bucs, but both companies had some duds).

    I have a slightly bigger problem with Nike's "stamps"...toilet seat collars, Seattle and Tampa having very "nikefied" designs and the awful Jags helmet are a bit worse then Reebok's over-reliance on piping and side panels. As bad as that was, it did not smack so much of "uniforms are a billboard for manufacturers."

    But the big thing for me is how cheap it looks. I really struggle with the general notion that Nike's quality is better. I don't buy replicas and cannot really speak to that. But the sweat boxes, see through pants, mismatched greens and the inability to produce green Eagles jerseys really made me feel that quality took a huge tumble. But I am virtually alone.

    In fairness, Reebok was not immune to putting their "stamp" on things in a disastrous manner themselves. Exhibit A - the TechFit jerseys:



    Just as ugly and cheap-looking as they are in college. Look at how warped the Giants' logo and the Jaguars' stripes are.

    There's a good chance that some warping of the NY logo could be the result of tape on the shoulder pads.. Guys will often put double sided tape on their pads so their jersey will be harder to grab, and it usually results in some warping of jersey details.

  6. I actually think Nike uniforms look more professional than Reebok's and other previous ones did.. The thicker, more durable looking material, non-dazzle fabrics, and overall consistency (apart from green's), are all positives in my book.. The raiders jerseys look cheap to me, as do most uniforms from older pictures I see.. The old collars look too thin and dingy, etc.. I agree that the toilet seat look is silly, but most teams fixed that by making it one color

  7. I also think the other "realistic" bird gets forgotten all too often.. I bought that cap just a few months before they switched to the later realistic bird, then bought that cap just a few months before the cartoon bird was unveiled.. Serious facepalm the second time it happened..

  8. I really dislike paneled caps, like the Orioles home cap. I've never really liked any of them, be it the Orioles, Blue Jays, Padres, Expos, whomever. It just kind of has an amateur or little-league look to it. In every case, I feel the teams' solid caps always look better.

    I agree... usually. I did buy a white-paneled New Hampshire Primaries cap last year.

    honestly, and this could be my O's bias.

    I really, really like the Orioles home white paneled caps. But all the other teams that have tried, failed. And should be just for the O's, no one else.

    I'm the opposite.. I always felt like panels made it look a bit more professional, like any team can go buy stock solid caps and slap a letter/logo on it, but a custom cap with differentiating panel/bill seemed more custom/expensive/professional to me..

    I LOVE the Orioles' paneled cap (albeit as an O's fan myself), but I also like the old Jays' white panel caps and one of my all time favorites is the Padres' brown with yellow panel caps

  9. Overrated?

    Reds & now Indians C's. Sorry, those generic C's do not jive for me. Chicago Bears' logo at least fits perfectly for their uniform & helmet.

    The Reds and Bears use the same C.

    I've also merged the Underrated/Overrated thread with the unpopular opinion thread because that's all the former was anyway.




    Reds and Bears use different C's..

  10. Ren, I think we'd all be ok with it if you just quit whatever you do for a living so you can sit at your computer all day and entertain us with your amazing work and fulfilling our requests.. So, are you gonna call your boss or should I? Lol.. Awesome stuff man.. Coming back to this thread never gets old.. Along your community college logos thread, a hs thread and even concept request could be logical evolutions if you're looking for more ways to captivate us.. Thanks for all you've done on here! It's a pleasure to experience your work

  11. OK...here we go...

    I feel I've hidden this too long and I must get it off my chest.

    I am OK with the Cowboys mismatched colors and I really like their white uniform overall.

    (Ducks the tomatoes)

    I admit that before I came around here, I never realized that the colors were mismatched. In hindsight, I cannot believe I did not notice. So once you all helped me realize the obvious, I thought "yeah, they need to do something about that." And of course some of you made very nice-looking concepts that solved this problem. The thing is, though, I found each of those concepts boring. Every time, I found it to be a visual downgrade.

    In theory, they should not have mismatched blues (and silver/green pants with silver helmet). I know they should not. But I kinda hope they keep it. I also like the thin black outlines on the sleeve stripes...why? I have no idea. Generally speaking I am OK with a jersey that just has blue and white (see Maple Leafs) but I think the thin black adds something (I hate this word but...POP!).

    If they change, I won't complain because I know it will be right. But I kinda hope they don't. Does ANYONE else feel this way?

    I halfway feel this way.. I don't want them to switch to silver across the board, because their helmets are not silver. They're Texas Blue, which they've always been.. The paint color has just evolved over time and has become a bit more silver, but it's still very different from the Raiders or Panthers, etc.. The green in the pants was pre-HDTV, and the greenish hue actually made the pants appear to be the correct shade of blueish silver on tv with the quality of the video at the time.. If anything, they should adjust all silvers to "Texas Blue", which would still allow for a unique shade on their pants, and maybe simplify to single blue, either royal or navy, but I agree that there are some quirks that work for them, although I'm all for simplifying the color palette

  12. That's why this is the unpopular opinion thread.. your comments aside, I agree that the last 49ers look was light years better than the new fauxbacks.. older doesn't necessarily equal better.. I thought the dolphins last set used the drop shadow pretty well, although I like their new look as well.. one of the best uses I've seen was on North Greenville University's grey football jerseys.. they had white numbers with scarlet outline and scarlet drop shadow, which REALLY popped... this is coming from a guy who was in the pressbox, which is the worst place to try to see numbers.. either way, I'm a huge fan of the drop shadow, even when not executed perfectly

  13. This Cardinals cap logo (1940-55):


    That's not the Cardinals. The cap was from the St. Louis Browns, the ancestor of the current Baltimore Orioles.

    That is actually the Cardinals, according to their official guide (cap above has the same logo as the top left insignia). The Browns used it too (it was common for multiple teams to use the same cap logo before the 60's).

    That's definitely the Browns

  14. I guess what I mean isn't monochrome white or grey, but the fact that white is universally accepted as a trim color, outline color, etc.. and grey to a great extent as well (lots of Brown's concepts adding grey to color palette and incorporating into uni's).. my main point is that I'm ok with a black jersey or black helmet (or whatever element you choose), adorned appropriately with the team's colors.. like I said, you can screw up a uniform a number of ways, but BFBS (in my opinion) isn't exactly a screw up.. (although there are plenty of ways to screw THAT up as well).. if done right, I'm a fan

  15. I'm actually not opposed to BFBS.. in fact, I'm kind of a fan.. I mean, no one has a problem with WFWS, and GFGS gets decent reviews... to me, black, white, and grey are all interchangeable as "neutral" colors.. if a school thinks their color palette looks best against a black background, then I'm all for it...

    Don't get me wrong, I still think you can screw it up and do it incorrectly, and black isn't right for everyone, but you can screw up a design using only your colors without black as well..

    One example of BFBS done right in my opinion is Washington, although most might not agree.

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