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Posts posted by TheRicSlick

  1. What happened to the Silverdome going topless thread? I posted a joke picture comparing a picture of the Silverdome as it currently looks to the series Life After People. Later I came back to ask a serious question about the requirements for a MLS franchise and the the thread seems to have completely disappeared. It hasn't been graveyarded.

    Have I gone nuts? Am I going blind? Did I just dream the whole thing?

    Same thing happened to the political thread, it just disappeared without a trace.

  2. It's true that the original topic of this thread used "the wrong uniform" to mean "the wrong team". Still, it is perfectly valid to broaden the concept to add "right team but wrong uniform", especially as the original theme had long ago run its course.

    BgMack already mentioned Robin Yount wearing the wrong Brewers uniform. Others that qualify in this category are:




    Each of these guys is pictured with a team that feels right for him, but in a uniform from outside the eras with which each is typically associated with that team.


    Mike Alstott belongs on this list

    Agreed, Mike Alstott own's the red and pewter look.

  3. Would anybody else be in favor in creating a post limit before someone could start a thread in the concepts forum? I think something like 300 posts would greatly benefit that forum. Once someone has contributed long enough to amass 300 posts, they should be familiar with how the concepts forum works and the quality and forethought that goes into a good concept. This could help cut down on posts like, "help me decide what to do for a Denver soccer team!"

    Just a thought, I could be alone ere.

    Or we can just have a separate section for newbies to post their concepts and get c&c there.

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