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Status Updates posted by timehasflownby

  1. Suddenly, it's only a two point game. #spurs.

  2. You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose? — Probably apple juice. http://t.co/tKsMOuZw55

  3. The Chargers won't win, but if they did, then they must have some set of balls.

  4. Watch the Clippers-Blazers game right now, it's a fight to the finish, overtime period coming in a few moments #NBA

  5. I haven't had a meaningful dance in years: http://t.co/HIoGNSw5Km

  6. Happy Boxing Day and Happy Kwanzaa, everyone.

  7. So what did you guys get for Christmas?

  8. A stock of coal, but coal that you can use...mostly. http://t.co/Fl6kLzNcxR

  9. Ever try to play touch football with relatives but end up tired, exhausted, and warm when it's actually cold out? Basically my whole day.

  10. A lame half brother and his awful singing make for a :censored:ty Christmas Eve. Thanks.

  11. #2013HasTaughtMe Making origami cranes are hard.

  12. Happy Festivus everyone.

  13. What does Connecticut have other than this movie, the Whalers and the Huskies?http://t.co/BPTGavvKPP

  14. There's just one thing: Beat the Eagles. In Dallas.

  15. For not getting run over by a bus on his birthday, @jeremyjdaguilar wins the ultimate honorable mention. No #OziasCup though.

  16. ...@Maritheherpderp, @AlexSkyCavazos, @DylanGeeeee and @TrishaMeows! The first time we have had a tie vote! You are all #OziasCup Champions!

  17. The best of the honorable mention nominees for #OziasCup will also be revealed. The two finalists are @jeremyjdaguilar and @serenadelrey.

  18. You could fly a kite in this weather.

  19. Nominees (@timehasflownby, @TrishaMeows, @Maritheherpderp, @AlexSkyCavazos @DylanGeeeee), tell me why you want to win this #OziasCup.

  20. #OziasCupFact: Last year's winner? @timehasflownby. The year before that? @timehasflownby. What a bizzare coincidence.

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