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Posts posted by DCarp1231

  1. 2 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

    The crawdads concept is by far the best.


    I appreciate the sentiment around "plunder," but I find the name awkward, as if it should be "plunderers." It makes me think, "what's a plunder" in the same way I once asked of Minnesota's hockey team, "what's a wild?"

    A missed opportunity to have New Orleans Bayou as an option

  2. 6 minutes ago, Green27 said:

    Joey Logano's 2024 Hunt Brothers Pizza scheme


    A little surprised at the simplicity. Not a huge fan of the giant square logo right the at the number with nothing above the back wheel.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, WideRight said:

    I hope when you see them you will not be disappointed.  Did you have a name/ID you were hoping to see?  




    Something related to cherry blossoms?


    If the military theme is a must, then Battleducks. A play on the DUKW semiaquatic vehicle used by the military.


    I guess another name could be the Diamonds. Depending on who you ask, DC is a “diamond” shape.

  4. Hmm.


    I’m conflicted on this. In one hand it feels like an upgrade, but in the other hand, it feels a bit lacking?


    For improvements-


    • Make the horns more circular to match the moon curve


    • Have the horns intersecting the bull head to reflect anatomical correctness

    • Place the star above the head, resting in free space between the horns 


    • I would also go as far as doing a rocket silhouette simulating a ground take-off in the line between the blue and red

  5. 12 minutes ago, ruttep said:


    The 49ers actually petitioned the league to allow them to wear all-white in Super Bowl LIV, but the NFL essentially told them to :censored: off. 


    They approved the Rams making the same request with their "modern throwbacks" two years later in Super Bowl LVI.


    For aesthetic reasons, this worked out wonderfully, but I do have to wonder if that was it, or if there was any other thought process for the NFL denying the 49ers' request but approving the Rams' request (In addition, the 49ers had only used two alternate slots in 2019, while the Rams had already worn those white uniforms three times in 2021).

    Probably because someone at least realized the bone uniforms look like :censored:.

    • Like 3
  6. This whole time I’ve been so against teams wearing throwbacks full time.


    Now I’ve realized I just don’t like the Dolphins throwbacks as much as the Giants, Jets, Seahawks, 49ers, etc.

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