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Posts posted by JerseyJimmy

  1. I think it would be nice for the panthers to win their first championship, actually. I think I would be happy for them and their fans were that to happen. I would personally prefer to see the oilers break canada's drought, but in the event of an EDM/FLA final, I'd be satisfied with either outcome.


    @Unocal are you doing a bit? be honest.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, The_Admiral said:

    I lit up when I saw this cover art. Do you have this album too? "Autumn Tactics" is gorgeous.


    I actually just picked it out of the GXSC page on the CARI site, but I will say that I'm intrigued now. the Whippersnapper album was a personal choice, though, and that one's quickly become a favorite deep cut of mine. also I don't think anyone would ever look at it and correctly assume it's a skate punk record.

  3. 14 hours ago, LAWeaver said:

    Considering how Chevy and Ford have both switched to their muscle cars over the last 6-7 years, part of me wants Toyota to bring the Supra to cup for consistency. But I understand why they use the Camry since it's their top-selling sedan. 


    I always like to imagine what models other manufacturers would run were they to join the series; obvious picks are Dodge running the Challenger (again) and Nissan running the Z, but wondering if Mercedes would go with the AMG GT or just the E-Class is a fun internal debate.

  4. On 5/9/2024 at 11:58 AM, WSU151 said:

    After seeing this in the Football Uniform Appreciation thread - the Ravens need to drop the drop-shadows and bring the original font style back. Would probably look even better on the smaller pads of today. 


    And bring back the bird (or even front-facing bird head) on the sleeves. 


    I legitimately think that the Ravens' logos and uniforms never would have changed if the primary wasn't plagiarized. they got it right the first time.

    • Like 2
  5. as much as I adore aesthetics, I think the zoomer obsession with them has some detrimental effects, particularly when it comes to music. there's a certain point where you're basically encouraging being a poser.


    now, that being said, Gen X Soft Club my beloved ❤️

    eyJidWNrZXQiOiJhcmVuYV9pbWFnZXMiLCJrZXkiOiIxNDUxOTk0Ni9vcmlnaW5hbF9iMzRjYTMxNjM4YzhkZGJiM2I1NTE0NGFkYWI3ZGYzYy5wbmciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjEyMDAsImhlaWdodCI6MTIwMCwiZml0IjoiaW5zaWRlIiwid2l0aG91dEVubGFyZ2VtZW50Ijp0cnVlfSwid2VicCI6eyJxdWFsaXR5Ijo2NX0sImpwZWciOnsicXVhbGl0eSI6NjV9LCJyb3RhdGUiOm51bGx9fQ==?bc=0  1200x1200bb.jpg eyJidWNrZXQiOiJhcmVuYV9pbWFnZXMiLCJrZXkiOiIxNDQ2MDMxNS9vcmlnaW5hbF84NjI0YjYwMDU0MmI0MWQyMjgzNzI3Yjc2MGNlMmI0NC5wbmciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjEyMDAsImhlaWdodCI6MTIwMCwiZml0IjoiaW5zaWRlIiwid2l0aG91dEVubGFyZ2VtZW50Ijp0cnVlfSwid2VicCI6eyJxdWFsaXR5Ijo2NX0sImpwZWciOnsicXVhbGl0eSI6NjV9LCJyb3RhdGUiOm51bGx9fQ==?bc=0

  6. not sure why, but this feels like Dallas' cup to lose. them being by far the least interesting potential winner might have something to do with it.

    kinda bummed a NYR/VAN final is out the window, but oh well. at least I have an all-New York ECF to look forward to.

  7. I think if you really want to try a top-flight pro team in a northeastern market without one, then... well, realistically, keep going north, because the only way that's going to happen is if Quebec or Hamilton get the NHL. but if you really, really want to try to make this work in the US, I think there's a minuscule but non-zero chance an NHL team in Albany could work. it won't, but I could at least imagine a scenario where it could.


    also, since the topic of "MSAs that should be a CSA" was brought up: Charleston and Myrtle Beach.

  8. 4 hours ago, ruttep said:

    I can't believe they're still going. You lost. If it wasn't pathetic before, it definitely is now (although there is something to be said about Islanders fans being happy for a Rangers win)


    if there's one thing new yorkers hate more than each other, it's southerners who want to yap about NYC. just look at what happened to john rocker.


    plus, honestly, I don't care how long ago it was, the islanders won the cup four straight times and the best carolina's got was almost blowing a 3-1 series lead to an 8-seed. you used to be the hartford pissing whalers. show some humility.

    • Like 2
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  9. 3 minutes ago, Glover said:

    Rangers are up 3-2 in the series and game 7 would be at MSG. The Canes still have quite an uphill battle. 


    I also want the rangers to win this series. by that metric, they're done.

  10. I'm not gonna lie, the amount of AI slop being regurgitated in the replies instills me with a genuine and potentially homicidal sense of dread.


    also, Swarm is the only correct option. Outlaws is fine but boring, Yeti and Mammoth are reddit bait with syntax issues (also the Avs are right there), and the rest are non-starters.

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  11. On 5/3/2024 at 11:09 PM, LMU said:

    And lest we forget...

    [snipped EA Sports Arena Football boxart]


    dude. that game got a sequel.





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  12. 1 hour ago, Kramerica Industries said:

    This thing you do about blaming the entire sunbelt for anything any sunbelt team does is really :censored:ing tiresome. The lone Hurricanes fan in this thread has repeatedly acknowledged how cringeworthy he finds those tweets. Get over yourself.


    wow, it's almost like I'm speaking from the experience of having lived in south carolina for eleven years or something.


    32 minutes ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    I'm in New Jersey for the first time in my life on business this week. Thank heavens all Jerseyites aren't like you.


    I've never lived in jersey and haven't made any pretense of ever having done so in years. watch the product.

    • Yawn 1
  13. 2 hours ago, ruttep said:

    How does a professional sports team's social media team act like this?


    because southerners are spiteful, petulant asswipes and the people who willingly move there are even worse. it's really just as simple as that.


    oh yeah, by the way, I was right. every season is exactly the same.



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