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The Nati MacDaddy

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Status Replies posted by The Nati MacDaddy

  1. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Brett Staats 18 yr old from Cilly MN.wants the Calgary Ghost Riders.  Thats all i have on him now. I will send email to dennis once I get it.


    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      I think I have someone interested in both the hockey and the football league. hold off on asking him now.

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      I hope you are doing well with your studies for finals. Want to show you the latest concept that I want you to show your friend. This may coax him into joining. The concept is based off of the Marvel Comics character Ghost Rider and the team is based out of Calgary. It uses, of course, the Calgary Flames for the design concept with a few of my tweaks of the Ghost Rider concept.

                                      I'll start with the Wordmark.

                          Ghost Riders wordmark copy.png


                                                         Primary logo

                            Ghost Riders Primary logo.png


                                                       Secondary logo

                                        Ghost Riders secondary logo.png


                                                          Tertiary logo

                                Ghost Riders tertiary logo.png

                                                           patch logo

                                    Ghost Riders patch logo.png

                                        2 versions/styles of goalie masks

                   Ghost Riders Goalie mask R face.pngGhost Riders goalie mask NME7 version 2.png

                                                      Team Profile

      Ice Breakers Owner Profile template ghost riders reduced.png


                                            Away Alt not pictured in profile


                                  Ghost Riders Away Alt uni no bg.png


                    3 Avatars that will upload in the Team Settings window                                        Ghost Riders primary logo w bg.png                         

                          Ghost Riders secondary logo w bg.png


                          Ghost Riders tertiary logo w bg.png


      This will soon be on the photobucket site. but you can use them however you want. Send you friend a personal email. Send him mine as well and I can work on modifications of this concept or create a different one.



    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Here is the latest one that I did for Dennis McCabe.

      Maybe these can be of use on the thread. with email addresses under them? What do you think?

      Polar Bears signature.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      I need to keep it consistent with the one I did for you so here is the revision with some things readjusted .

      Swarm signature revision.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      No reply necessary to this. Keep studying. Just wanted you to see the signature for my team. It turned out well I think. Looks like I have another sub folder to add to photo bucket.

      Swarm signature.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Thank you so much for taking this on. I'll play my role as parent and tell you to STUDY STUDY STUDY and put this on the back burner. there is no rush on this. It sounds like you are perfect for this. I think we will make this a good thread. Your marketing and my designing talents will help promote the thread nicely. Yes I give you permission to use all the stuff that is out there on the photobucket link. also permission to post my email macmoore@zoomtown.com. Ice Breakers started last year by Dennis McCabe of Mankato Minnesota. Asst LM me from Cincinnati Ohio. Email Dennis the link to the thread when it is up and going. He will make sure other members get it as well. Now go study. Thanks.

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

  9. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      It would go in the Fantasy section. I'll leave you in charge of that. Make sure the readers know it is 10 teams (2 divisions of 5) and head to head not Roto scoring. You have got alot of stuff to use. By the way I am waiting on a reply from Dennis to find out if he is able to expand our current league from 8 to 10. He will have to create a new 10 team league and invite our 8 current owners again, plus yourself and the mystery owner if he can't do it. That's way down the road though. I am gearing up for my Custom Helmet League Fantasy football league. It has 16 teams and I am needing 2 owners, 1 in the South division and 1 in the North division. Here is a sample to wet your appetite. I don't know if you are into football but it never hurts to ask.


      Best of 2015.png

      Other Winners 2015.png



      West Side Sharks Word mark.png

      Buffalo Wild Wings Speedflex  2016 Left face.png

      Cincinnati Swarm Speedflex  2016 Right face.png

      Delhi Dribblers Speedflex  2016 Right face.png

      Fairfield Indians Speedflex  2016 Left face.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      You don't need to have a photobucket account unless you just want one for your own pictures. The albums that I have created contain the images that you will use for the Team Settings page of the ESPN league. Don't worry about it right now. Just forward the link to a prospective member. They can see the examples of the work that I do and decide if they would like to join and customize their own team as you did. Of course they need to come up with a Canadian city/province. Sorry about the confusion. I'll let you know when it is time to upload images into the Team Setting page by copying and pasting the direct links of each image. I am getting too far ahead of myself.


      Here is the link to the Ice Breakers League Album typed out. Copy and paste it into any email correspondence that you do regarding the league.



    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      I just posted each image that I have done for you to use in the league on the photobucket image hosting site .

      To upload an image to display as your avatar go to link above. The main album is your Primary logo then there are sub albums. Search for different images to use in the various sub albums. click on the check mark to bring up  a new window and then left click on the words "Direct Link" this will copy the link. Next you will go to your team settings page(This is not up and running yet) and go to the field near the bottom that reads Use image from the web. Place your cursor in that field and paste it. Then hit Save team settings. These instructions maybe premature but I think you know what you are doing if not I will try to help you through the process. Thought you might also share this link with others to drum up an interest in joining.  Thanks

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      There is no forum but It might be neat to start one on a site. Do you know which one would be good and how to set one up? If so contact Dennis and ask if he would want o do one. By the way I will get in touch with him to show him this. It is an early version of a welcome back to the league that will post when we start up again. I also have so LM powers but can't edit the team settings. I can only delete teams and not add teams. I have to find out from Dennis if he can do this. If he can't then we will have to start a new league with 10 Teams. Head to Head scoring (not Roto) Here is a sample of the First League Message that I will send in a welcome back message before the draft. Team Logos at the top get removed when the season starts and the 5 matchup rinks replace them.

      Had to get a little creative and include image of "cup and Saucer"

      Ice Breakers LM Notes Welcome Back season 2 reduction.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Nicely done. that didn't take long at all. Do you think it would be difficult to teach the other owners how to save the pic on a paint program and then mark it with answers and submit the email as an attachment. Only 9 owners will compete because you can only view LM notes and messages on message boards if you are invited to the league I will make the puzzle.

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Here is an idea that I had for a side game that I will call either "Break in the Action" or "Break your Face Off" any other suggestions that you have are welcome. I will award a trophy at the end of the year. It's kinda like a I Spy or Where's Waldo book. Anyway this is something fun that is a way to feature graphics of a team owner and their team. It is a side game that will make our league really fun I think, that's just my opinion. Give it a try.


      For this puzzle I used a reedited version of the Matt Martin as a Gunner pic above but strategically placed your face in the crowd 6 different times. The name of the game is to see if you can find all 6. First person that gets all 6 wins 5 pts for the week 2nd quickest response gets 4 pts and so on. I can keep track of this by date and time answers appear in my email. On this one I also inserted the face of out LM Dennis McCabe 1 time. Every one is eligible to win a bonus point.  That could be a bonus pt that is awarded for all participants who identify the mystery guest. I wll try to make that face in the crowd harder to find.

      Save this pic Martin Face Off Puzzle.png

      to paint program and use a pencil tool or a shape tool with an outline circle and circle each place where you see this faceJosh Pic - Copy.png 5x and this face Dennis.png 1x send your answer which will be an attachment of pic only with topic as My Face Off answer Week1 to


      I will post the answers in a graphic if you don't find them all.


      Give me your thoughts on the side game. It will take some persuasion for some owners who are not familiar with saving files in different programs. Do you see an easier way to get the answers that will be submitted in a picture format? Maybe take pic of the graphic with their phone. How do you circle answers on the phone pic though? Anyway I was in a creative mood today and wanted some feedback.


    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Shoot I forgot the LI shoulder patch. Here is the 2nd update. Let me know if these work as good wallpapers.

      Martin as Gunner A Alt Blue.png

      Martin as Gunner A Alt Orange.png


    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Just curious, If you happen to win a trophy and I design a wallpaper/screen saver image and the image just so happens to be with a road uni. Would the numbers/ Name on the BACK of the Away and Away Alt be Blue? Orange? or both with you making the call on which one gets blue and which one gets orange. I came up with this visual for you to decide. I left the name on the back of number 53  Blue on both versions but it could easily be changed to Orange.

      Here is last years winner of the Best Frontlineman trophy  Matt Martin of the Islanders  as a Gunner. This was easy to do because uni stayed unchanged exept for logos.

      Martin as Gunner A Alt Blue.png

      Martin as Gunner A Alt Orange.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Thanks for refreshing my poor memory. I think I might have read your mind with this next concept regarding what to do with the LI logo. You said "LI logo on the while ?" I think that was a typo and you meant white. There is lots of white and I decided on a shoulder patch. What do you think.

      Gunners Away Alt uni no bg.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Did the Islanders alt away use the grenadier for the Jersey logo? Or did you want the LI woodwork logo on the jersey? I forgot. I did this one and for some reason it is starting to appeal to me. With this version there are no duplicate logos anywhere on the concept. I'll change it to whatever you want. and do clean up on the socks and elbow of the stick hand,

      Gunners Away Alt uni version 2 no bg - reduced.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Here is a 3rd version of the wallpaper for your files. Are you familiar with setting that allows you to choose custom screen savers when your computer is inactive or in sleep mode? I am using the Trophy winners from last year as my screen saver file. I think I shared that link to the photobucket slide show.

      Gunners Desktop Wallpaper version 3 .png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

  21. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      I need an update on your preferences for the away alt uni.

      White helmet with which logo?

      Jersey Away Islanders or Away Canadians version?

      Blue Pants Any branding on the cuffs besides Rebok?

      Sleeve number blue or orange

      Legging color?

      Stripe color and order from top to bottom

           (example White Orange White with blue leggings describes the current look of the H Alt uni).

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  22. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Here is another version that will eliminate any cropping. This is the format that I use when the season starts. It also allows for desktop icons to be more legible.

        Gunners Desktop Wallpaper version 2.png

      Here is a sample of a Weekly LM note that will be used to show matchups for the week, track the points leaders for the 3 trophies for best frontlineman, best defenseman, best goalie, and recap the previous week. Goalie masks are a visual representation of your team's standing. I will go to a ten team format instead of the 8 team that is pictured.

      I will use your Away Alt uni a few times in the matchup section when you are on the road. I will play around with the size and see if I can enlarge the 5 rink frames at the top and decrease the size of the lettering.

      Ice Breakers LM Notes Week 22 - Copy.png




    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Here is the completed 3 uni concept Team profile with you talkin' some smack. It formatted nicely on my computer as a desktop wallpaper. Try it out on yours and let me know if i need to adjust the length and width to fit nicely on your computer.

      Ice Breakers Owner Profile template gunners.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  24. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Okay here is the Alt uni. Was I supposed to add the lettering to the pants?

      I already see the clean up of the white stroke that i need to do around the ribs on the stick side.Other than that if you find something else that needs to be improved let me know. This is my favorite of all the ones that I have done.

      Gunners Alt uni no bg - reduced.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  25. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

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