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The Nati MacDaddy

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Status Replies posted by The Nati MacDaddy

  1. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Here is my take on how to get lettering on the pants. One word on each cuff IMO looks more balanced. Lets hear your opinion. Yours will trump mine. lol

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Now its time to do final edits on the Team profile page. I will not put the away alt uni on this profile. In my opinion it gets to crowded. I will use Away alt uni as a way to depict team matchups when the Gunners are on the road. The first two are complete and I need you to go over it again making any corrections through addition or subtraction. Home uni does not have the LI woodwork logo on the pant. I can add it or add something different or leave it as is. Do you have a preference for the number that is on the sleeve? I created the template in 2016 thus the number 16. Away helmet has the grenadier logo. Yes, no, let me know what you want there. Is the captains C patch okay ? Color schemes I think are good check them once again and I will get back with any corrections. Then start on the Home Alt uni.

      Gunners Home and Away uni no bg.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      oops I forgot to delete the last image. I had to correct it but still left some of that yellow striping that is a no go for you on the last image. disregard this one and use the first one.

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Thanks for helping me hone my graphic design skills. I don't know if I have what it takes to be an illustrator but it is a hobby that I enjoy doing. To me its that extra touch that makes a fantasy league standout. I would like to do graphics for fantasy sports leagues and get compensated for my work but the market for fantasy sports is not very big.


      I have done one other thing for you based on a comment that you also owned Carey Price in one of your leagues. Here is a desktop wallpaper that I morphed into a fantasy concept. I got this off of a google image search for Carey Price wallpaper


      and converted it to this

      Price as a Gunner Wallpaper.png

      This is some of my better work using Photoshop.


      I pride myself in saying that I have never taken a class on Photoshop and have learned how to do this by trial and error. This would be something that people really into fantasy sports might purchase but but It takes a lot of time to do and the cost per man hours would be to much for most people to afford. Give my email macmoore@zoomtown.com  to other league members that you come in contact with to see if they have an interest in customized graphics for their leagues as payment for the work that I have done for you. I just need to get my stuff out there and this would be a big help. Thanks


      Price as a Gunner Wallpaper.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Just had one more idea. I'll throw it out there and let you decide if it works for you.

      Long Island Gunners uni concept edit 6.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Wow I didn't know I was finished. You put the signature out there and my critical eye picked my own work apart. That is the price you pay for being your own worst critic. Anyway I think that I improved on the signature by giving it more width and sharpening the image with a better saturation of the color yellow. This, in my opinion is now ready for the public. you decide

      Gunners signature revision.png

      Here is another revision with Home Alt Blue leggings and orange /white sock stripes. I'll tell you what i think of this revision but you tell me first.

      Long Island Gunners uni concept edit 5.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

  8. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Answer to ?1 is No but that is our LM's call. I would shoot Dennis an email closer to the start of the season. Answer to ?3 is no. I know that there is a way to rank players before you draft but I just use the ESPN rankings and we do an auto pick draft based on how you rank the guys you want. I usually draft by position. I took 2 goalies in 1st and second round last year and got Carey Price and Braden Holtby. If Price wasn't injured most of the season I might have won the league.

      Here is your answer to ?2. I must say this is my first attempt at creating a signature. How did I do. Be honest. That is the only way I'll get better. I like that I included each element of what I have been working on for your team. You got a little taste of the uniformed player that I am still working on but you will have to wait on that one. Gunners Signature.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Cleaned up the grenadier logo and gave you a choice between yellow or blue coat and cannon smoke

      Gunners Jersey logo 2 blue.png

      Gunners Jersey logo 2 yellow.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      Right now I am leaning towards Primary logo(cannon) on H and A uni Secondary logo(grenadier) on the H Alt. You are right about the black uni. It is a better look. This is my opinion and yours is the one that counts. I want this league to be top notch and owners to stay in it. I use the goalie mask to show current league standings and they change throughout the season. It would make a nice avatar too.

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy


      Thanks for the feedback this helps the process go quickly. Here are my interpretations of what you are saying in your response. When you say "Wood Work" logo are you referring to the "Li" for Long Island with the stick and the ramrod ? I also need feedback on the two different versions of the goalie mask and the 3 avatars that you will use throughout the season. Do you have a particular Jersey number to put on the sleeve of the Team profile unis? The only difference between the two uni concepts is a darker number on the back of the Home alternate jersey. Just wanted you to see it and pick one. All pants will be blue. Home leggings Blue, Away leggings white with islander stripes. Home Alternate will be the Canadians style blue pants with orange and white stripe down the side orange leggings and Canadians triple stripe socks. I can add the LI wood work logo to the bottom right leg of the pants and on the side of the helmet.




                                        Yellow cage


                                       Blue cage


                                    Primary with wordmark





      Did I get it right?          If not let me know




    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi Justin

    Heard that Dennis has asked you to join Ice Breakers FHL next season. If you know of anyone else that wants to be in the Canadian division give their email to Dennis McCabe so he can invite them for next season. Wanted to also share some of the work that i did to give our league that spit shine quality. Click on this link to see who won trophies this year. Share it with anyone who loves fantasy hockey.

    http://s601.photobucket.com/user/BigMacDaddy1/slideshow/Ice Breakers FHL/Hardware

    Send me any concepts that you have in mind for the Long Island Gunners team. Thanks


    Mac Moore

    1. The Nati MacDaddy

      The Nati MacDaddy

      First of all let me apologize for calling you Justin. Now I know it is Joshua. Do you prefer Josh? I got your ideas and now want to share mine. When I saw the cannon I immediately thought Columbus Blue Jackets. The following concept is a hybrid of the Blue Jackets and the Islanders. Hope you like them. Give me your input on the 3 Uni concepts. I had fun tweaking the fisherman into a grenadier as well as using the ramrod and puck to make the letter "i" Everything is able to be customized to fit your tastes. When I get your preferences I will make the team profile. I need to know the name of the home ice arena where the Gunners will be skating. Years in the League will be 1 and if you can send me a face pic I will add that as well but this is optional. Only people that see this our the owners in our league. Glad you are going to be in the league. It was fun but 2 more teams will definitely thin out the talent pool, which is not necessarily a bad thing. talk with you soon.










      Long Island Gunners uni concept.png

    2. (See 98 other replies to this status update)

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