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Posts posted by Coast2CoastAM2006

  1. This is photoshop, he NEVER EVER EVER played for the Sharks.

    As much as you'd like to forget, he did infact play for San Jose. 3 wins in 13 games.




    edit: that hockey card of Belfour actually looks shopped. The stick in the logo is teal. o.O

    then after his stint with SJ he bolted for Dallas. Causing all sorts of butt hurt for the sharks fans for many years.

  2. Maybe it's because I come from a state where the epicenter of hockey culture is the self-proclaimed "Berkeley of the Midwest," but this "liberals hate hockey" thing is completely foreign to me too. Of all the things you'd expect liberals to critique about pro sports in general, it would seems a bit silly for them to single out hockey.

    I should have been more clear in my screed. I'm left of center myself - hell, my wife framed the front page when Obama was elected and we proudly have it on display on the wall in our living room.

    But there's liberal, and then there's Seattle liberal, which has fully embraced the Sounders. It has very little to do with politics, really (maybe you have to live here a while to fully understand). They are the people who insist on bringing their obnoxious dogs to the bars, people who proudly tell you they don't support organized sports outside of soccer (and some of them even insist on calling it football). Seattle liberals are notoriously passive-aggressive and self-absorbed. (for the curious, I'm sure you can find the "ask a Seattle Liberal" column from our alt. newspaper somewhere online). It is the same qualities which have ensured that my favorite pizza restaurant now offers a gluten-free menu (have you tasted gluten-free pizza? It tastes like sadness boiled in the tears of unhappy children). It is these qualities which would ensure a lack of support for the NHL in Seattle, rather than political ones.

    Don't get me wrong - I love Seattle. I don't think I can live happily in any other city on earth. I've spent 26 of my 34 years living here. I can live with the Seattle liberals. But I don't think the NHL can.

    those are just political trolls. like the political trolls that follow that radio nut out in San Fran that makes tank look like a far left liberal.

  3. Posted mostly for the jersey itself.

    Tommy Salo on the Islanders


    and here's him on the Avs.


    To me, he will only ever look right in this.


    To me salo never looked right in an avs or oilers jersey. there again he had no business being in an Isles uniform to begin with even though i remember him most in an Isles uniform. Him and Soderstrom :puke:

    Didn't Milbury reduce him to tears when he was with the Islanders?

    something like that. don't remember the whole story though.

  4. Posted mostly for the jersey itself.

    Tommy Salo on the Islanders


    and here's him on the Avs.


    To me, he will only ever look right in this.


    To me salo never looked right in an avs or oilers jersey. there again he had no business being in an Isles uniform to begin with even though i remember him most in an Isles uniform. Him and Soderstrom :puke:

  5. Ok, well it was a good excuse for misspelling "either"

    Also, why do you continue to use quotations as apostrophes?

    ehh. i tend to get visits from the grammar nazi alot. lol. ive always thought quotations were apostrophes. I just guess a force of habbit?

    Habit, not to be confused with Hobbit


    That's not a Hobbit. This is a Hobbit.


    no thats a dwarf.

    This is Hobbit.


  6. I dislike -- nay, detest -- all-gray baseball unis.

    I hate all-white football uniforms.

    I think teams not named the Yankees, the Cubs, the (Black and) White Sox or the Phillies should not wear pinstripes.

    I think teams that do not wear NOBs (NsOB?) should be fined the entirety of their game proceeds -- ticket sales, concessions, merchandise sales, parking revenues, broadcast revenues, etc. -- every game they don't wear NOB.

    Are those opinions unpopular enough?

    i'm fairly sure they are quite unpopular but i completely agree with your post here.

  7. madsen_lac.jpg

    I was with Buc in renaming the thread, but after I saw this? F*** it. Just shut the whole damn thing down. The is the "Legends in the wrong uniforms" thread...and this motherf***er posts Mark "I didn't know he was still in NBA" Madsen.

    This s*** didn't just jump the shark, it jumped all the sharks...San Jose Sharks, Iron Chef Shark, Jets and Sharks, the Jersey Shore Shark attacks of 1916, and even those 3 mechanical sharks from the "Jaws" flicks.

    what no love for the loan sharks, discovery channel's shark week and the SNL door shark played by Chevy Chase?

  8. This is a different take on the topic but I always hate seeing Clarke in this jersey:


    OMFG - does that P have a black outline around it, or is that just an optical illusion caused by the texture? I don't recall there ever being an outline around that version of the P.

    its not an optical illusion, its a genuine black outline.

    How can you be certain? I really don't think it's black. I remember as a kid around that era, one of the things that made me take closer notice of sports uniforms was how the Authentic Flyers jerseys didn't have the black outline, but the replicas did. I always wanted an authentic, but they were around $80 IIRC (and didn't come in little-kid sizes), so I had to settle for a replica. I actually tried to cut the black outline off of the patch with scissors... didn't work too well.

    although on further inspection, it might be the effect of an embroider. which is what it looks like.

  9. This is a different take on the topic but I always hate seeing Clarke in this jersey:



    OMFG - does that P have a black outline around it, or is that just an optical illusion caused by the texture? I don't recall there ever being an outline around that version of the P.

    its not an optical illusion, its a genuine black outline.

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