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Status Updates posted by Tkelly42198

  1. @Ken_Rosenthal @joshgonzo15 @MLBNetwork https://t.co/ASFDq8w0mM

  2. @colewurld_ Live view of Lakers fan who thought Magic Johnson trading DLO and drafting Lonzo was a good idea https://t.co/9w1Gb33DvT

  3. @LaChristie You consider yourself an inspiration? With that logic? https://t.co/rUezIgLuEm

  4. @NBA @NBAHistory https://t.co/7RwwwSDAsQ

  5. @AP https://t.co/9u3JzjhMi6

  6. @Rambobiggs Terrible game

  7. @DebraEF5 He is using is sexual preference as a deflector. Terrible person.

  8. @SportsCenter Well his injuries will run him out soon enough. So no big accomplishment here.

  9. @ellesanto @AP Top 20% pay 80% of taxes. Give me a break.

  10. @TrickOrTreackle @alamedamark Trump has the right to defend himself. See how he never said she was lying but made i… https://t.co/inTlEYeWKU

  11. @papijoe320 @TheSportsPoller Being a parent is knowing when to let the baby bird fly

  12. @SportsCenter https://t.co/7R5zHJ19iD

  13. @astros Here come the butthurt 27x champ people

  14. @sallykohn https://t.co/sisQewSDIF

  15. @lisamccolgan70 @realDonaldTrump OK I'll give you a like for that one https://t.co/0v6AI0I5yd

  16. @realbuntyking @Hard_Bastard https://t.co/kK8pYR6WEy

  17. @BevHillsAntifa https://t.co/dyWniANfMq

  18. @shoe0nhead June. If I buy you a new camera, do you promise not to sell it for crack

  19. @conjohn36 @BleacherReport @ZachLowe_NBA https://t.co/si0zKkE6wQ

  20. @TomWellborn @Tk3cee @Reuters Where exactly is there a threat of violence?

  21. @Some_BlackGuy I imagine in ten years we'll have friends asking to borrow our sex robots.

  22. @chicagobulls Good. So we'll get to see garpax fired on film? https://t.co/70SfOOJ4lV

  23. @MyNBA2K How do you rescan your face? I'm stuck on the stupid card game. https://t.co/cms0IO2Och

  24. @BleacherReport Should have went to jail for rape https://t.co/mxt8LNvjO7

  25. @ShaunKing I'm confused how this is a bad thing. Judge them on lack of qualifications, judging them on skin tone seems rather prejudiced.

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