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Posts posted by RyanMcD29

  1. In the broken record category, NBC's still not converting to the SNF graphics full time as the EPL starts with the usual graphics.


    Did NBC spend all that time and energy on a package to only be used on NFL telecasts or are they just taking their sweet time to implement it to everything else? Not that it's a bad thing as both look great and are better than their big 4 counterparts, just odd how they've done this rollout given in the past they do them all at the same time

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    The other thing that irks me with Lozo is that you more or less can't find a hockey podcast outside The Bobcast, 31 Thoughts, or Steve Dangle that doesn't have him co-hosting somehow. "Oh cool, Down Goes Brown's finally got a podca... OH COME ON WHY'S LOZO IN THIS ONE TOO"

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  3. I agree with that sentiment. When they first announced the move to Barclays I was very much in the camp of "Better Brooklyn than Kansas City" and it helped provide a temporary stop while something got figured out here in Nassau. It served its purpose and in the end all worked out.


    Of course, if they didn't botch up the Coliseum renovation this could've been figured out a lot sooner. But I ain't complaining one bit about this as it secures the Islanders here on the Island.


    Yes, I know Brooklyn's on geographical Long Island :P 

  4. 26 minutes ago, the admiral said:

    Yeah, two weeks where he wrote like thirty songs that went "USED TO SELL CRACK IN THE SUBWAY, NOW I OWN THE NETS AT BARCLAYS" and we all nodded our heads and said "yes, this is a musician who articulates the human condition." At least he wasn't ranting that Jews control the real estate yet. And, I mean, the Nets, it's the "awwwww, the Denver Broncos?" Simpsons gag but not played for laughs.

    My god every song off of Blueprint 3 and Watch the Throne managed to throw in a Nets reference. And don't get me started on playing as the Nets in NBA 2K13.


    In the meantime, although as an Islander fan I always wait til things are officially official, let's go with this


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  5. I hated ESPN's college basketball graphics the first night of the season, but it's growing a bit on me as it seems like they've done a lot of effort for each school in creating unique sequences and stuff, so there is that. Still wish ESPN could just pick one graphic package and apply it to all sports rather than having 5 different ones but alas.


    Also one thing to lookout for in the coming weeks may or may not be NBC. Usually on a Super Bowl year they break out the new graphics for the Winter Classic and Wild Card weekend rather than waiting for the Super Bowl itself. The last time they updated they also did a soft launch of their new scorebug on NBCSN a week or so around Christmas. So something to keep an eye on for the next few weeks there. Personally I'd rather them stick to what they have given I love how much they work the primary and secondary colors into everything, but that's generally not how sports TV works these days with the Super Bowl graphics changeup.

  6. Not sure if there's going to be much changes to the graphics besides the rebrand to NBC Sports, as the CSN's have been using NBC graphics for a few years anyway.


    Would be nice for SNY to update over to the NBC set, though. Also would be interesting to see if NBC does their Super Bowl year graphics revamp earlier with that in mind or if they wait til the Winter Classic like they usually do

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