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Everything posted by Kooky01

  1. Another day, another dub for my Titans! Let's keep it rolling boys against the J-E-T-S, suck, suck suck!
  2. I agree, putting the Star in the P would look much better.
  3. I think the Riders logo could make for a good Wranglers secondary with some tweaks to it. Same with the Berlin Thunder logo for the Maulers and the Claymores logo for the Knights. The Posse logo could work for both Arizona or Texas.
  4. Dragons, I like it! Like the logo, can't wait to see what the unis look like!
  5. Well, the Titans definitely could have played better today. God i'll get made fun of at school tomorrow I bet. (Go to Northern AZ). On to next week and the Seahawks!
  6. It's a tie between Admirals and Pirates for me, but the tie-breaker goes to Admirals since no one else in sports uses it as of 1993 I believe.
  7. All of them sound good, but I think I like Admirals the best. Navy, Teal and Salmon is not a color you see every day. Sea Devils would also be great as well.
  8. Great game last night, (even tough I can't stand either team). I didn't see any PI at the end, but it must be me. Looking forward to the Titans vs Cardinals. (I go to college in AZ, and I'm a Titans fan )
  9. Seattle Red Dogs (New Jersey AFL) (Combines both of the states college teams. UW is the Huskies, or Dawgs and WSU's primary color is red) or Barracudas (CFL-USA Birmingham) Dallas Riders (San Antonio WLAF) or Dallas Posse (CFL-USA Las Vegas)
  10. Yeah, had a feeling that was coming for Columbus. Wonder what the other expansion team will be.
  11. As a Titans fan, this looks great lol! (Actually would have been a Houston Oilers fan had they never moved, since that was my parents team)
  12. Enthusiastic Support. Take my money for sure!!! I'm in love with that teal look!
  13. Titans fan here, if Watson gets shipped off somewhere else, that will make my day. (Not that the Texans are a playoff contender or anything like that). If he does go to Miami, I don't care. Just don't trade him to Jacksonville (which I know will NOT happen) or Indy.
  14. Well since i'm new here, i might as well start here. NFL: Tennessee Titans: Both my parents were Houston Oiler fans and they kept their fandom even after they moved to Tennessee and passed it down to me when I got into football. Also like the Cardinals due to me attending college in Arizona MLB: Houston Astros: Same for the Oilers/Titans. My parents just grew up on them and passed it down to me. It's harder to root for them now that the cheating got exposed, so I sorta picked up the D-Backs as my secondary team now that I go to college in AZ. NBA: Dallas Mavericks: Didn't really get into the NBA until around 2011 when me and my family moved to Dallas, just in time for the Mavs run to the championship. The feeling in DFW was absolutely electric and it was easy to root for them. I had never experienced a city on fire like that before. Been hooked ever since #MFFL NHL: Dallas Stars/Arizona Coyotes: Stars because their my home state's only NHL team and I used to go to their games when I was a teenager, Coyotes because see NFL and MLB. NCAA: Northern Arizona: Where I currently go to school. MLS: Houston Dynamo: Not a big soccer guy whatsoever, but I remember them winning the MLS cup when I was younger. I still like them I guess. .
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