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  1. I like the White Sox's version with the very retro logo!
  2. The white-paneled spring training and batting practice caps were just fashion caps. New Era announced the real ones today: https://www.neweracap.com/collections/mlb-spring-training?link=image&utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MLB23 Spring Training %26 Batting Practice Email 2023 (01GR97Q70W83Z7NF3YN25RFWDX)&_kx=lwbEf7YxQwp0VZUEJAmal6zskZt5LQ1RKw-qZnvbvrbp1Nzho13TdX7YV_n9mvRA.WRYxQW
  3. So if it's a Nike rule and not an MLB rule, can a team say, "Yeah, sorry, we're the customer, you're the vendor and you work for us. We're sticking with our five or whatever." Assuming the Tigers and Yankees are sticking with their 2+0 rules.
  4. I didn't state my question clearly. Apologies. Take the Phillies out of it. Is the 4+1 an MLB rule, or a Nike suggestion? Are teams bound to it, or can they do as they please?
  5. Is the 4+1 thing an actual MLB rule, or just a suggestion from the uniform vendor? If the Phillies wanted to keep their cream set and power blue throwback set -- which are really cool and seems like fans like them -- can they tell the vendor, "Thanks for the suggestion, but we're good?"
  6. I have to tell you, I HATED the trucker cap designs when I first saw them, and cringed some more when I saw that style was being used for the All-Star Game, too. I could not believe New Era did that. Then, I saw one for my team on sale and bought it. Damn, if it is not the most comfortable cap ever. I ended up getting some of the All-Star Game caps when they were on sale -- and they got really cheap, too, like $14 for the 39 Thirty versions on the MLB page. I'm wearing a Brewers version as I type. I don't want this style to replace the regular season game caps. But I begrudgingly grew to like them for PB. And I loved that the White Sox used the way-old-school logo.
  7. I agree with you. The Angels have a solid look! If I were to tinker, I'd remove the patch since it is pretty redundant with the Halo A. Would love to see the old-school halo on the crown as an alt!
  8. I agree about the home jersey! But I think the Tigers' road script is one of the best road uniforms in baseball.
  9. The Mets wore the black jerseys a handful of times last year, starting late in the year. Maybe only three times.
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