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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Whoa...I'd COMPLETELY forgotten about that one there. (On another note: am I alone in really having LOVED that particular uniform for the Jazz???)
  2. Can we please just go ahead and change the name of this thread already? (Or, at the very least, split it into "legends" and "favoritest players from favoritest teams" or something like that...)
  3. I just now realized how retarded that looks. I mean...it might look better if there weren't so many layers involved...even WITH the crazy spurs and serifs...but two outlines AND a dropshadow?? Can you say visual overload??
  4. Bugs Bunny on steroids???
  5. Is that the original logo? If not, post the original version. If it is, about the only thing you gon' be able to do with that is actually redraw the letters, if you don't have whatever font that is. And even if you do, you'll have to convert the text to outliines in order to achieve the pointed edges going on with the letters there.
  6. There's several ways you can do it. I can't remember how to do this (I got a tutorial somewhere on one of my computers, but I'm sure you can find one online), but I actually created a brush composed of a bunch of oval shapes. I then drew a brush pattern large enough to fill , say, a box or so, and saved it. I then took the shape of the mesh (take, for example, the front panel of a football jersey), put it over the brush pattern I created and made a clip mask out of it, and then moved that mask back over the part of the jersey I wanted to make look like mesh. Hope that helps a little bit. The other way, I suppose, would be to, like you said, do a step-and-repeat process. (There's actually a shortcut way to do that in Illy, but I haven't done it in so long I can't even remember where to tell you to start looking.)
  7. No it isn't. A pencil and some paper is. No--seriously, it depends on what you can do with it. Some posters in this community can achieve high-quality work using the free vector program Inkscape. Others have even done so with basic Microsoft Paint. There are other programs out there, though, such as CorelDraw (I think that's Corel's vector program), and if Macromedia Freehand is still floating around out there, it's another vector program (though personally, I'd stay away from that one). No matter what it is you're using, though, attention to detail is probably the single biggest selling point. Ultimately, the thing to remember is that all these different software programs are but tools used to help "refine" logos or whatever other designs you may come up with and bring them to "digital" life. Now granted, some people have the advanced skill to create sketches on these software programs and go from there to the finished product (how I don't know, but some do). But, the best place to start is right there on your drawing pad.
  8. For anyone wondering, the jersey lettering says Isotopes. It's Albuquerque's minor league team. I'm pretty sure anyone who was watching the College World Series yesterday knew that...with as much as they was talking about him and his every move, breath, hop, skip, and jump yesterday prior to, during, and after the game... (Seriously...ESPN really needs to cut that mess out.)
  9. Don't forget his other green-and-white stop... You know, pretty much an entire thread can be devoted to "legends who done somehow ended up in a New York Jets uniform". See: John Riggins, Ronnie Lott, Brat Farve...
  10. Now THAT...really came out of the blue. (pun totally indended.)
  11. Not exactly. But unless you got a magnifying glass and a protractor, you probably couldn't really spot the "custom" differences with the Avalanche's numbers. About those numbers in the picture (which I see entirely too much in the HBCU world, BTW), Bodega Sans is what you're looking for. (And I don't doubt there's a freeware version out there somewhere, though I have no clue if it is.)
  12. I don't see why you couldn't use a brush to replicate that.
  13. that looks like Times New Roman to me. Look like Trajan. If it ain't Trajan, then it's mighty close.
  14. Look like some jacked-up inkblot version of Aachen. I betcha dafont.com probably has something similar to this somewhere.
  15. Appears to be Compacta to me. "MLB 08" looks like Compacta to me as well, but I think "The Show" looks more like Eurostile Bold Condensed. Upon closer inspection...you may be right. Aiight JP22...where you at mayn???
  16. Appears to be Compacta to me.
  17. That's the one. Big ups to gordie_delini. I will most definitely be throwin' down some change for that font family there.
  18. Need some assistance... ...Somewhere, out there in the font world, is a font that's very similar in style and feel to the one that Chevrolet uses. Someone posted a picture and a link to it somewhere in this forum but I cannot for the life of me remember where I saw it. I know it exists because as I'm typing this request, my fingers are striking the letters of that font (it's on my keyboard). FWIW, I'm on a Toshiba Satellite L305-S5907 laptop. I wanna say it was like Utica or something like that...can anyone out there help a brotha out??? Many thanks in advance.
  19. That mess happened to you too? Good to see I ain't the only one who that done happened to. (Look up a couple posts above yours and you'll my my similar episode.)
  20. go to view > show bounding box. you must've hit Cmd-Shift-B by accident. That musta been what i did--I knew I hit something wrong. That did the trick. Good look big homie!
  21. HELP!!! I got a issue going on here...that's bugging the crap out of me! Okay...first, what you need to know: this issue exists with my Ully CS2 for my Mac. For whatever reason, my selection tool (regulat black arrow) is acting up. You know how whenever you go to click on and select an object with the selection tool, that "transform" box usually comes up around it (that allows you to resize, shrink, scale, or warp an object)? Well...I don't know what I did, but mine ain't doing it no more! I looked through the Preferences trying to find out what's up...no dice. When I go to click on an object, it selects only the object, but won't let me transform it at all (almost like the direct selection tool, only without being able to click directly on a path or a point.) Hopefully someone out there can help a brotha out with this here...cuz this is bugging the living hell out of me!!! Thanks in advance... ~Buc
  22. And now they're up. Have fun with them!
  23. The funny thing is that I used 'Drew's uniform temp as a basis for mine. My latest version is actually a mash-up of a previous one I've had for a while and Drew's temp. BTW...for all those of you who've been asking about my action temps...in a few days, those should be made readily available. I ain't forgot about y'all out there...just ain't had the time to fine-tune them the way I've wanted.
  24. This actually looks like two different fonts in the same word--which actually is a very poor choice in direction for whoever did this. The "P" looks to be a font called Marker or something like that (run a search on "Marker" and see what comes up--I can't remember it off the top of my head). The rest looks to be some type of script--and a very jacked-up one at that. Hope that helps.
  25. Agency FB Bold http://www.fonts.com/findfonts/detail.htm?pid=409017 Fiasco...JP (slapshot) done anointed you as his heir apparent or something, mayn??
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