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Posts posted by TrueYankee26

  1. 40 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    NBC will be covering the final day of the Premier League from Goodison Park (Everton). Either it will be the loudest place on Earth at 1 PM EST, or the largest tomb in Britain. 

    It would feel like Hamburg in 2018 if they got relegated. Been in every Premier League season since it was founded, Escaped relegation for years like Hamburg were in every Bundesliga season until that point.

  2. 49 minutes ago, rmackman said:

    In 1996 it seemed the country was behind the Panthers because:

    • Colorado had just left Quebec, so Canadians were mad at them
    • The Year of the Rat was a spectacular story
    • They were just scrappy and fun to watch/nobody on the team you could hate

    In 2023, it'll be return of the Panthers vs. the youngest team in the league. I wonder if people will be into Vegas or Florida...or neither. Either way, I'm stoked. LET'S GO CATS! It's great to be an OG fan this year!






    2006 - Employee




    2015 - First Time STH















    This Rangers fan will root for Florida.

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  3. On 5/14/2023 at 11:49 AM, TrueYankee26 said:

    I think the Celtics win the east since rightly zero people believe in a Doc Rivers coached team in the postseason and they will not fall flat on their face like another certain Boston team did against the Florida Panthers

    LMAO boy was I wrong.

    On 5/14/2023 at 5:53 PM, TrueYankee26 said:

    76ers look as sad as my Rangers in getting bounced out of the playoffs in a winner take all game on the road against a division rival.


    Doc Rivers spacer.png

    76ers: I had the biggest meltdown

    Celtics: hold my Sam Adams

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  4. People born starting on June 10, 1993 have only seen Canadian based teams win the World Series and NBA Finals, no Stanley Cups. People who will turn 30 have never seen Canada lift the Cup. Ouch!


    In fact if you were born on May 25, 1990 or later you have not seen a team from English-speaking Canada win the Stanley Cup.

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  5. 46 minutes ago, tBBP said:

    So umm...yyyyeeeahh. While sitting in Oriole Park at Camden Yards today watching the home team hey blanked—with two blunders by the first baseman mixed in for good measure—by the freaking Pittsburgh Pirates, I briefly looked at their season thus far and...are the Pirates...actually...trying to be good this season?? I mean, I saw more pop in their bats in the first inning alone than I think I saw in the entire seven years I lived in Pittsburgh. Hits? Runs? Crisp fielding? Who are these guys? (And exactly how did Andrew McCutcheon end up back with them? Didn't expect that at all.)

    Good to see Pitt competitive.

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  6. 11 hours ago, JerseyJimmy said:


    they're still a really young team, so I'm not beat up over it. I am beat up over being eliminated by another team from the official state of Wanting Most of My Friends Dead, though. whether it's Boston or Philly, please unleash the dragon.

    I think the Celtics win the east since rightly zero people believe in a Doc Rivers coached team in the postseason and they will not fall flat on their face like another certain Boston team did against the Florida Panthers

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