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Posts posted by TrueYankee26

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sport said:


    I think Yankees fans should all be held down and forced to watch Four Days in October on a loop while having their eyes held open Clockwork Orange style for 16 straight hours. No bathroom breaks. 



    But at least you saw the Yanks go through a 13 year drought and get utterly owned by the Astros like the Yankees do the Twins so Baseball since 2010 has been kind to ppl who hate the Yankees

  2. 29 minutes ago, Sport said:

    Fine. They have to watch this play on a loop with their eyes held open Clockwork Orange style for 16 hours, but they get a 15 minute bathroom and/or food break to take whenever they choose. I think that's very generous considering what they did to the rest of us over the last 20 years. 

    It's funny that as much as I, as a Jets fan feel major schadenfreude to the Patriots misfortunes and I am surely happy they lost despite the Jets laying an egg tonight, as someone who is also a die hard New York Yankees fan I understand the Patriots fans as well. I would be going bananas if I was a Pats fan too and I see them lose on stupid stuff like this, especially when this is a franchise who knows better and has until Brady left, utterly dominated the NFL, and then 31 other fanbases celebrate.

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