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Solved: Looking for old concept - Miami-ish team with multiple mascots blue/pink/black color scheme

Guest darkpiranha

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Guest darkpiranha

Don't know where else to put this unusual request. A few years ago, someone posted a concept for a Florida team (I'm pretty sure it was Miami, but my searching has been fruitless) where the team had one mascot for home games, something like Herons, but a completely different mascot/brand for away games. The color scheme was light blue, pink, and black.

I always thought this was a fascinating idea that a team could be known as one identity at home and a completely different one on the road. There was an interesting discussion about it if my memory serves (which it hasn't been lately, so who knows?) I've been searching for it for a while now and haven't had any luck, so maybe one of you fine people remember it and can point me in the right direction. If I recall, the poster wasn't prolific, so I don't think it is one of the usual suspects.

Thanks in advance!

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Guest darkpiranha


This is the one that came to my mind initially.... I remember it as being a really cool look, I remembered the flamingo part which helped with the googling.

EDIT: Looks even more promising considering you gushed about it about three posts down ;)

You found it! I'm usually the one with the best Google-Fu skills among the people I know, but for whatever reason, I wasn't putting in the right search terms. What's most amazing to me is that this was only last July (2014). My memory had it at least 2012 or 2013. That might also be why none of my searching bore any fruit. Also not correct: Herons, Miami, Florida, only two mascots, bright blue. At least I got pink right, and that it was some sort of bird.

Anyway, thanks!

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