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Vancouver Oceanics MLB uniform design concept


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https://imgur.com/a/ODYfJV5 - Hi, all. Something new from me: What if Vancouver, BC had an MLB team? Well, this came to me a few days ago, and here is a uniform concept for.... the Vancouver Oceanics.
Why Oceanics? It is befitting, as Vancouver, BC is by the Pacific Ocean. I brought back a few things from the 1980s (haters gonna hate about it, though): Pullover jerseys, racing stripes and a powder blue road suit! Yep, the Oceanics take visual cues from both of Canada's other baseball teams, past and present, the Expos (racing stripes) and the Blue Jays (powder blue road uniforms). Some things are ripe for a comeback, and all three of those design elements deserve one, IMO.
The team colours of blue and green are fitting for a team with the name "Oceanics", IMO. Hope you like them.


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