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Florida Panthers Moving to Winnipeg?


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i can't see why they would put a team back in Quebec City. they failed before because they couldn't get the attendance. right?


the building was almost always full even when the team was struggling.

The problem is that the Colisée doesn't have luxury boxes and was too small for the 90's NHL.

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I know it sucks to hear unfounded rumours about your team moving. A couple of years back, we heard a lot talk about the Sens relocating, too, despite the owner's protests to the contrary. Hopefully, the situation in Raleigh will turn out well, like it did here.

Actually I personally have no attachment to the Hurricanes, as a fan or in any other way. I've been to 20, maybe 30 games, but have never actually paid to see them (a former employer of mine had a suite to entertain clients) and frankly, I never would.

It just irks me when people who have absolutely no concrete information about something claim it to be a foregone conclusion, when all evidence clearly points in the opposite direction.

Granted, attendance has sucked wind in every year except the one where the team went to the Stanley Cup Finals. And guess what? It will continue to suck unless and until the team is put forth as a regularly competitive product. Raleigh is a city that doesn't tolerate losers gladly - just ask someone from the Carolina Cobras organization about that.

However, Karmanos and the team signed a lease agreement that, barring contraction, absolutely keeps the team in the ESA (sorry, I don't believe in corporate whoring) for the duration of the lease. There are no buyout clauses, no means by which the team can move until the lease expires. The municipalities involved absolutely insisted on it and Karmanos, having moved the team once already, has said he'd sell them before he'd move 'em again. He has since taken on minority partners with local ties - leading me to believe that, worst case scenario, he'll do exactly that.

Now while I admittedly don't trust any sports franchise's owner, particularly after that scumbag Art Modell screwed Cleveland with their pants on, I know enough to scratch my head and wonder why these idiots continually speculate that the team is moving, when with just a modicum of research they would learn that relocation is an absolute impossibility for the forseeable (sp?) future.


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huh, interesting, haven't heard anything like that before, but being canadian i hope they do florida and tampa just don't have enough people down there to care about hockey enough for florida to have two teams.

your joking right?

Tampa would do just fine, because they also draw from here in the Orlando Area, but Hockey in Miami has always been shaky

The Eagle of the WHA never made it to the start of the season

the Matadors

the Mantees

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