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Jarrett Jack


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My sister knew him a while back, he just got drafted by Denver and traded to the Trailblazers. I have a few questions that maybe somew hardcore B-ball fans could answer!

1- Will he get any playing time at all? (hes a guard take that into consideration)

2-Will he ever get a jersey sold ion stores? like a replica that says "Jack" on the back?

3-Will he be featured in the late4st NBA videogames?

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i'm not a blazers fan, but i think i can answer most of these questions:

1. I believe Jack is a point guard, correct? the blazers drafted Sebastien Telfair last year, who is very highly touted as the future of the franchise. jack will probably see reserve action behind him.

2. even if they dont sell "Jack" replicas, you could probably get a custom one (does the NBA do custom jerseys through their online store like the NFL does?)

3. as far as i know, i think all rookies should be in NBA '06.

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epper's got it down. Additonally, the Blazers are thinking of playing Jack at some shooting guard this year, which may add 3 or 4 more minutes for him in the rotation this year. Still dont expect a tremendous amount of PT



when you're replacing an old Carr, you need more than Les Miles

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