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New NHL changes


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shootouts suck, I hate them, I believe you decide a sport by playing that sport. You wouldn't shoot freethrows to determine who wins a tie basketball game. If the game turns out to be a tie then great, some of the best games I've been to have been ties. Example was when the bluejackets tied the flyers. The whole time everyone was on their feet, their was a nervous/excited energy the whole game and people left happy with what they had just seen. I agree with whoever said that shootouts will become boring after only a little while.

a shootout could be cool on the other hand, think of all the strategy, picking your players, your lineup. Hell teams may even sign shootout specialist goaltenders.



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shootouts might not determine who the better team is...but winning in regulation does...30 ties for some teams doesnt determine how good you are either without those ties some teams gain an extra 20 points and others would lose 20 points which clearly shows the better teams instead of hanging in the middle

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yeh, I never understood why the league and /or media thinks that

more scoring is what keeps people coming back for more. The best games

in all sports are tight, nailbiting contests with great defense offset by

electric offensive charges. Too much scoring gets boring faster

than not scoring. It's the anticipation and tension of trying to score that

makes watching sports exciting. I'd rather watch a scoreless or tied game going

into the 3rd period than a 6-5 turkeyshoot.

I posted my thoughts already--but I have to add an amen here...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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