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Ny jets concept


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I've noticed quite a few football concepts with a monochrome look recently! Never mind black in baseball unis, or brown in general, NO NFL TEAM SHOULD EVER EVER EVER where a monochrome uni, other than white!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I like these. The logo is nice clean and simple. However it maybe would look best as a side view. The pants I would add a white pair, and go back to he double stripe thing. But what I really like is the shoulers. With todays jersey cuts,  the Colts and the Vikings, and sort of the Jets have their shoulder panels cut off. Now the Jets to me is less noticable, and almost looks good cut off, but still. Anyway, they way you made a stripe goin down the sides of the shoulders and sleeves, you made the cut off stripes part of the jersey and it looks nice.

And how'd ya like that template?

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I would of posted this earlier but my internet was down for some reason. It's not because of the blackout, because I had power (even though the towns around didn't), my cable was working and I have a cable modem. It was odd. So anyway, I added sleeve numbers and a nameplate, use link above.
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