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Saints Home schedule announced


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Got the tickets today. I've never been in the Alamodome before, so I'm looking forward to it (albeit under sad and unusual circumstances).

There is a great debate on mysa.com about the cities of New Orleans and San Antonio, and their collective viabilites as NFL cities, present and future. It tends to break into three groups: The nice people from both places who express the customary gratitude/welcoming host line of thinking. Then there are the displaced Saints fans who see San Antonian's as vultures looking to bargain on the Katrina tragedy to sway the NFL to consider moving to SA permanently, and finally the third group, puffed-chested San Antonio natives blabbing about how they can discard their generations of Cowboys love, how they have a larger population (not to mention the illegals) than Nola...blah, blah, blah. I hope the first scenario is the most accurate.

I think San Antonio acting as a temporary host is a great idea, beyond that I don't see the city as a permanent solution whatsoever. As I've posted before, SA loves a winner. Period. I'd love to sugarcoat it if I could. Spurs fans are some of the most obnoxious human beings to ever walk the planet...when they're good. When the Spurs are down, it's as if they don't exist, locals are too busy attatching their wagon to the Texas team that is winning, no matter the sport. An 8-8 team would be a novelty for a couple of seasons, a boneyard, attendance-wise beyond that.

I've lived in the region since '88 and I know what I'm talking about!


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