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EPL Online Match Subscription


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Just taking a gander (haven't used that word in awhile) at the Chelsea FC site (I have picked my team), and their site advertises an online subscription that allows you to watch their matches online. At 3.99 GBP monthly, or 29.99 GBP yearly, you can watch all of their matches online.

Now here are a bevy of questions I have relating to this:

1. Has anyone had experiences with subscribing to an EPL online match viewing service like this?

2. Is the picture quality worth it? (I have a cable-modem connection)

3. Or am I better off trying to find a local bar that carries these matches? Unfortunately, soccer isn't too popular where I live, so this may be a considerable task.

4. What is the time difference between here (EST) and London? I suppose a match that would start at 6pm there would start at...1pm here? If so, I don't know if it's worth it considering I work the standard 9-5 M-F.

You guys have been extremely helpful in the past, and I thank you once again for any help you can provide. :D

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Well, EPL matches are usually on saturdays and sundays,

on saturday there is usually one match that begins at 8am est, a whole bunch of matches at 10am and one more match at 12noon est.

on sunday theres two more matches, usually high-profile

one at 9am est, and the next at 11am est.

theres the odd midweek matches, but those are all in the midafternoon matches..(night matches there)

usually around 3pm est.

champs league matches are tuesday and wednesday which begins at 2:45 est sharp.

BTW...chelsea blows!!!

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