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proposed Mets uni's?


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I know there's been a lot of Mets talk here recently, with them breaking out the pinstripes the last 2 games, but I came across the picture here recently:


Does anyone here know why the Mets got rid of the tail before the '62 season? Or what happened to the striped stirrups?

Seeing this picture makes me like the 90's uni's with the tail a little more (though not as much as the non-tailed, non-black pinstripes that replaced them), since that might have been the plan all along.

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Maybe we're used to it sans-tail, but it looks like the script is too thick and heavy to have the tail. It looks better on longer things, like Los Angeles, Dodgers, or Athletics, and with thinner width, like Royals.

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Those proposed Mets uniforms don't look bad. I actually like the striped stirrups (you all remember stirrups don't you?). That stadium in the background looks remarkably like Shea.

Note to TCR- It's a black-and-white photo. I'm sure the lettering was two-color. But because you're seeing a photo of a photo the two-color lettering blends into one, thus giving the "thicker" look.

Why doesn't someone do up this uniform so we can see how it would have looked.

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