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Proof that you can make half-decent stuff in Paint...


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While perusing my photobucket, I came across something that I did for LiveJournal over two years ago (about the same time I got started here), and I figured it would bring some sort of amusement to you guys, so I'm going to go ahead and share.

So we all know that the internet's version of herpes are little things known as "memes". Basically, for those of you who aren't in the blogging / myspace crowd, these are things such as surveys, lists, "have you ever" lists, "what have you read" lists, things like that.

Normally, I don't do them. I think they're dumb. This one, however, caught my fancy, and I spent about three weeks doing these whilst looking for a job.

The concept was simple. You post the instructions to the meme. A friend (or complete stranger), posts a comment, stating that they want to participate. You then look at said person's list of interests, pick one, and draw a picture of or about it. The catch? Everything must be done entirely in paint.

I had about eighty requests, and I had so much fun that I even thought about turning it into a web comic. The drawings aren't that great, but everyone loved them. Here is a sampling. Enjoy.







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