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Mlf expansion proposal

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I think the original has potential, but a few suggestions on the original if I may...

The Wolfpack text in the background is too subtle. I'd say have it be prominent, or don't have it at all. In this case, since the W and O are obscured completely, I'd say drop it. The first time I saw it, I wondered why the moon had FRACK written on it.

The wolf general outline needs some retouching. The way the ear-head connection curves on both sides makes it look like a bit of a unique hairstyle... but then the lighter colour within the wave makes it clear it's an ear, but yet it looks wrong, because of the curvy-ness.

Also, IMO the snout is a little too squared off... this may have been the look you were going for (a bit more of an abstract wolf), but I don't think it works too well around the snout area.

The colours are IMO a little dark. At times I believe it would get tough to distinguish the facial features of the wolf, especially when seeing it on the helmet, where the curves of the helmet make for uneven lighting.

This is a really cool concept that IMO needs only a few changes to make it many times better. Great work InTheEnd88.

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