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Polls in the Concept Forum


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I have been thinking, that maybe its not such a good idea to allow polls in the concept forum. Every time someone votes on a poll, the thread is bumped, potentially keeping a concept that otherwise would die on the first page. This could also potentially knock some better concepts to the next page. I am not trying to insult the artist who did this, but there was a poll/concept on here recently of an Oakland A's logo. The logo was probably a 10 minute job as it was an existing logo tweaked only the slightest bit. The thread stayed up on the first page for at least a week, with no new comments, but only votes on the poll. So what do you guys think? Should this annoyance and inconvenience continue, or should all polls be moved to the polls only section?



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Yeah, polls really don't have much of a place in the concepts forum, with some exceptions. For a series, polls can be helpful in deciding which team or player to do next, as for general concepts, though, they do not belong. You get little to no feedback from a poll, and feedback is what the concepts forum is really all about.

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I agree with JNutini. If it is asking what team to do or something of that nature, then I don't mind because it tells the starter of the thread if there are any new votes. But the ones that are 'is this good' or 'is this bad' need to stop. If somebody thinks your concept is good or bad they will say so.


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Thank you, I almost had to make the joke in my own thread. So do you guys think I should add a poll? Let's put up a poll to find out. Also are you guys liking this thread? Maybe a poll would help you decide.

Damn, you beat me to the joke!

I did a poll in concepts that grew out organically during some debate.

I agree with you CD, on the reasons it should be limited. But not necessarily banned

Limited would burden the Mods a bit, unless some automation can be applied to warn repeat offenders.

(me included!)



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