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Philadelphia City Six II


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A long while ago, Barrish had embarked on the City Six project, with Aussie rules jumper sets for his hometown's six major universities. I was invited along for the ride, and had so much fun with the whole thing I wanted to remake the whole set someday. Someday is here, but first, who or what is the City Six, you may wonder? Glad you asked! It consists of:






-St. Joe's Saint Joseph's

I'm likely releasing the other four all at once, the only reason I'm not busting out all six at once is I've only finished two so far:



I integrated the split T into striping the last time I did this, and have done it again, albeit differently. I was strongly considering making the away jumper black, but went with cherry in the end, as the "moon" effectively makes for a stripe. Finally, in a move that's somewhat common in soccer but pretty rare in footy, the third jumper is black and maroon halves.



The home's horizontally pinstriped Ajax stripe is a nod to the dragon's underbelly. the aways have dragon wings on the upper front, and the other away features navy braces (which actually could've stood to be more narrow IMO).

A couple logos for each school that I used in the original thread are very hard to find (the small flying owl for Temple, the dragon from Drexel's primary without the text), so I improvised with less rare emblems.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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how kind of everybody to wait til I posted the whole set before commenting :hockeysmiley: anyways, feel free to comment on any of these. With that in mind, City Six members 3 thru 6:



I'd felt that I mailed LaSalle in the last time out, so I decided to go in a different direction this time (last time was basically a giant L that merely took me a while longer to regret. Not as plainly idiotic-looking as that PJ-esque Temple away in the original thread, but I digress.) Checkers aren't all that common in footy, so I decided on those for the home. For the away and clash, I decided to use a grid, mainly to keep the checkers theme consistent and partially to suggest a generic map. There is a small front number on the grid jumpers due to my own desire to have numbers there for one team (don't worry, LaSalle's the only one in this thread that has em).

St. Joseph's


The other school I felt I should've done better with last time. It wasn't awful, it just wasn't any good. Basically, one look at that set would tell you I ran out of ideas back then. In any event, I decided on crimson/black hoops for the home, a mainly crimson away and silver clash, both of which partially maintain the hoops.



We go from the two I felt I've improved upon to the two I felt I got right. First, the lone Ivy of the group. The earlier set is basically the same as this one, except there was a blue clash instead of a white one, and the tapered sash on the home was narrower. I'll be honest: if I ever do an Ivy League project like this, any ivy themes will be more subtle than this. That said, this does kick ass IMO.



on to the last one...the clash is largely the same as my previous effort (don't lie man, you wouldn't try to improve on that either). The home is basically the same as in the old thread except for the addition of light blue pinstripes (which, honestly, I didn't need, I just felt like doing something a bit different). The away has a slash sash.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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My favourite jumpers of these sets, definitely the St Joseph's Away and Clash strips - very nice. I'd be tempted to drop the home and use only those two.

I'd do the same with Villanova - the pinstripes look to me like basketball unis, but I'm partial to both the other jumpers. If you were to keep the pinstripes I'd lose the stripes behind the number (like the Temple home) and do the same with St Joseph's home.

Again I'd lose Drexel's home and stick to the other two.

One "Home" jumper I quite like is Temple's and the away works well too. I actually don't see the point of the Clash jumper here though. If there was a clash with the away jumper I don't think this one would solve it, but the Home jumper would - I'd wear that instead.

Unfortunately I hate the entire set for LaSalle - checkers doesn't do it for me at all.

Penn is the one set I'd use all three jumpers - the Home jumper in particular is excellent. I said the St Joseph's were my faves, but I',m already wavering - it is the perfect tie-in with logo.

Some of my criticisms might be because I'm a bit stick-in-the mud when it comes to footy jumpers, but nevertheless some I really like. In most instances I don't think you need three jumpers - a Primary jumper and a clash would suffice. Penn is the only one I'd recommend keeping all three.

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Don't worry Fish, you're far from the first stick in the mud I've had to deal with and you won't be the last. The nature of my work tends to be like that. Now onto your criticisms:

Temple: You have a really good point, actually. I may as well just call the stripes primary, the moon the clash and the halves a third. As I did like the idea, though, it stays.

St. Joe's: glad you like it, like I said, I wanted to roll out something better than my older set. It wasn't horrible, it just wasn't any good. As far as the hoops on the home, I figure white numbers will show up as well on crimson/black hoops as they do on AC Milan's black/red stripes.

Villanova: Taking a look at my old set, I preferred the big V without pinstripes, so it's solid navy now.

Drexel: Looking back on it, I wonder why the hell the dragon wings idea didn't come to me three years ago. The fire one in the old thread, in hindsight, is kinda lame. I think I'll roll out a second set (probably partially recolored dragon wings home, yellow braces away, navy braces clash) and see what people have to say about it.

LaSalle: eh well, can't please everybody. At least I liked it.

Penn: a lot of guys here advise us to never fall too much in love with your own concepts. Then again, a lot of guys have never made a set as good as this one. If I do the whole Ivy league at some point, I will have one regret: the clash will probably be inferior to the one here. As with St. Joe's, glad you liked it.

If anybody wants to have a laugh at my expense (or Brian's), or just wanna see why I'm bashing some of my own past efforts so much, I give you the original thread (though with it being three years old, you might wanna hold off on posting in that one, or just have your say in this thread instead).


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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