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Submit Your Hockey Jersey to Third String Goalie!


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We are pleased to announce a new opportunity to submit your hockey jersey to my blog Third String Goalie for others to see!

There is no limitation to what kind of hockey jersey it can be. It can be a replica, authentic or game worn jersey from the NHL, a national team, the minors, juniors, college, high school or even your pond hockey jersey.

Feel free to write a paragraph or two about the jersey telling us why you like the jersey, how you got it, what makes it special to you or even a full-blown Third String Goalie-style history lesson - whatever you feel like sharing.

When sending in pictures, they must be at least 425 pixels wide at a minimum, which is actually rather small. If you send in larger pictures, don't worry, we will be resize them to fit our format for you.

A photo of the front of the jersey is obviously needed and a picture of the back is certainly preferred, especially if it has been customized with a name and number. You can also include any relevant detail photos if needed to tell your story, especially of any additional patches.

Lay the jersey flat, as shown below, and shoot the photos from as straight overhead as possible with the arms of the jersey folded so they run straight down the sides of the jersey.

The simpler and more neutral the background is, the better. For example, beige carpet or perhaps wood flooring is preferred to dark colored tile with white grout. We recommend using an on camera flash to minimize any wrinkles, as light coming from just one side, such as that from a window, will rake across the jersey and accentuate any wrinkles.



If you have a jersey in your collection that comes to mind and you'd like to share it, please submit your pictures and a story to go with it, no matter how brief or detailed, to spyboy1@gmail.com and we hope you can help us out with a cool jersey and story to go with it.


Click here to read Third String Goalie - The Hockey Jersey of the Day Blog

Click here to see my hockey and baseball jersey collection online

?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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I'm in the middle of packing for a move but I have a few I'll submit as soon as time permits. A few oddities or items of interest that I'm sure haven't been showcased by your site already.

Heck, I could do a whole series of pro hockey in Florida. I've got at least a replica of every team to skate in the NHL, IHL, ECHL, and the SPHL and its previous incarnations that were based in the sunshine state.

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We need to talk about this idea. If I just did the history of hockey in Iowa not long ago, a week or so on Florida is not out of the question. Once you get settled, send a list of teams and the leagues they played in.


Click here to read Third String Goalie - The Hockey Jersey of the Day Blog

Click here to see my hockey and baseball jersey collection online

?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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I'll try and get that list out tonight. I've even got pictures on my laptop I believe that I can attach, though they don't meet your required positioning quite yet.

Also have minor teams like Columbus Cottonmouths (GU), San Francisco Spiders, Topeka Tarantulas (authentic) and a few others. I'll shoot ya a message a little later tonight, time permitting.

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