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some of the main things I see is:

Your main menu bar is light blue and the background is dark blue, even though they are both blue, those 2 shades dont look very good together the way you have them. Also your text on the menu bar is white, either change the menu bar color so it stands out more, or change the color of the text.

Here is a idea for you, find you a picture, any picture, does not have to be baseball, just a picture that you like the colors of, then, upload that picture to this website >> http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/index.php << It will generate a color palette using the picture.


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I look in to that, I used those blues together because they're the two shades the Rays use

I see if I can straighten the link bar out it has been bugging me

Your header should be at most 150 pixels tall, anything more than that and it dominates the page and that's not what you want it to do. Right now you have it at 288 pixels. Honestly, I tend to think 100 Pixels tall is what a header should be, but if you want to go taller, don't go too much taller than that.



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