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Portland Winter Hawks concept


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I know it's technically "Winterhawks" but I always liked it better as Winter Hawks, so that's what I went with. Anyway, here it is:


The mouth came out kind of weird, so I'll have to address that, but otherwise I felt like it turned out okay.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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I like the wordmark quite a bit and alternate (except the feathers) but I can't help but think that this is a missed opportunity here. Why not make it completely its own entity from the obvious Blackhawks influence?

The blending of the more contemporary style with the "neon" blackhawks look clashes a bit for me. The lines for the nose, cheek (which I think could be tweeked a bit), and eye paint are such a contrast to the rounded lines on the forehead, chin, and hair detailing.

The feathers are a bit stiff and lack the characteristics of feathers.

Good start though.

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I like the wordmark quite a bit and alternate (except the feathers) but I can't help but think that this is a missed opportunity here. Why not make it completely its own entity from the obvious Blackhawks influence?

The blending of the more contemporary style with the "neon" blackhawks look clashes a bit for me. The lines for the nose, cheek (which I think could be tweeked a bit), and eye pain are such a contrast to the rounded lines on the forehead, chin, and hair detailing.

The feathers are a bit stiff and lack the characteristics of feathers.

Good start though.

Thanks. I don't generally do a lot of concepts (in around 7 years of membership here I've done maybe 10 concepts) but I was researching them (reading their Wiki article) and decided to give it a shot.

I too was thinking of doing a total re-branding but the Blackhawks crest they've had is part of their history:

The Winterhawks wear jerseys similar to those of the Chicago Blackhawks of the National Hockey League, causing some to erroneously assume that the Winterhawks are a minor league farm team of the Blackhawks. In actuality, the jerseys originally worn by the first Winterhawks team were a used set of Chicago jerseys obtained through connections between the owners of the two teams. In early photos, the old Chicago jerseys are identifiable by the letter C with crossed tomahawks on the shoulder crest. The Winterhawks eventually changed the C to a P.

The Portland-Chicago connection runs even deeper, as the Blackhawks were founded in 1926 by Frederic McLaughlin, who simply bought the contracts of most of the members of the Portland Rosebuds and brought them to Chicago.

But you make an interesting choice of words when you say "missed opportunity." Not to throw you under the bus AT ALL (seriously, not my intent), but I feel like part of what has wounded the concepts section over time has been the misguided way people critique a submitted concept.

I think we often are so used to scrutinizing professional unveilings that when we see a concept we view it with the same eyes, as if the concept created is one that the team will be stuck with for years to come. I feel like it should be viewed more as a section to help enhance one another's skillset with advice as to method.

That being said, funkatron did just that - he pointed out the flaws in my use of sharpness intermingling with roundness, which is a problem.

Also my feathers have historically always sucked balls.


"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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I view it the same way as you, CS85. Which is why I will go through multiple revisions in my threads. I think of this board as a pre-panel to help refine my vision, and I have learned a lot.

As long as the criticism is constructive, I'll take it under advisement. It can be hard to take at times because we are exposing our talent and skill to be judged. I just have to remember that it will help me in the long run. It's the "it sucks" "That's worse" etc. that really deflates me. Not only in my own work, but seeing others being treated that way as well.

With that said, I should clarify my "missed opportunity" and "it's own entity" comments. I never meant it as "make something completely different" (it probably came across that way, sorry). I meant it more like eliminating the Blackhawks "neon" accents in favor of your own. I think the general shape and colors are a pretty good nod to the original, without leaving people, who may or may not know of the connection, to think "That's just a rip off!"

I hope you post more concepts in the future. The more the merrier, and you have the talent, why not show it off?

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