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Top 5 & Bottom 5 MLB Logos


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Inspired by the top 3 and bottom 3 NBA logo thread, I am creating this one, only making it top 5 and bottom 5. Also, doing current MLB logos and past logos as well. Explanations as to why you chose which teams you chose would be greatly appreciated as well...

Top Five:

1. New York Yankees (a classic among classics, has the Uncle Sam hat on a bat)

2. Colorado Rockies (love the use of the purple and the baseball soaring pass the mountain)

3. Kansas City Royals (something about the crown always enamored me, even when I was a youngin back in the 70s)

4. New York Mets (another classic from my childhood, awesome use of color and city backdrop)

5. Seattle Mariners (the use of the compass is really cool, love the colors too)

(Honorable Mentions - Philadelphia Phillies, Arizona Diamondbacks, Milwaukee Brewers)

Bottom Five:

1, WORST - San Diego Padres (just a bland color, the bland white SD logo, and I hate when the logo says "baseball club" at the bottom)

2nd worst - Minnesota Twins (again just the team name on a circle, at least in front of a baseball, but again that annoying "baseball club" nonsense at the bottom)

3rd worst - Chicago White Sox (all it says is "Sox", not even WHITE Sox....)

4th worst - Cubs (just "Cubs" in a circle...yawn)

5th worst - Giants (just "Giants" in front of a baseball)

(Dishonorable mentions - Indians and the grinning guy, Tigers with the bland boring old English D as their logo, Miami Marlins, would prefer they kept the old logo).

What are your top and bottom five and why?


Top 5:

1. California Angels (the outline of the state with Angels written inside)

2. Milwaukee Brewers (ball in glove)

3. Florida Marlins (1993 - 2011 loved it)

4. Seattle Pilots (clever artwork to me)

5. Houston Astros (mid 70s til early 90s w/the baseballs orbiting the Astrodome)

Bottom 5:

1st WORST - St. Louis Browns bug headed looking guy

2nd worst - Seattle Mariners when they had M's in front of a baseball, uber lame

3rd worst - Philadelphia Phillies w/Phil & Phyllis

4th worst - Detroit Tigers late 60s til early 90s, the goofy looking tiger in the circle where it said "Detroit Tigers"

5th worst - Anaheim Angels late 90s....blech....

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