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Rogues WIP


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A new concept, based in Australia (Brisbane), nicknamed the "Rogues." The concept idea was a "rogue shark". The following are sketch one and two, I may do a third, just to clean up the shark head (which I am happy with but could still tweak a few parts) and give more attention to the surfboard. Lemme know what you think, please.

Sketch 1


Sketch 2


Thanks, guys!


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Great! the second one isn't finished though, is it? half shark is missing.

Well the left side of the head will be mirrored when I vectorize the drawing, but the shark's head was all I was going for on this logo, so no, no more of the actual fish will be added to the final concept. Thanks for the kind words, too.


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I think changing the angle would be good. Another thing I noticed is that your current sketch has some wonky anatomy: the eyes as you have them are really far down the shark's head. Here's a ref of a shark in the same pose as your sketch. No eyes visible.


I think if you changed the angle of the shark you could get around this problem and it looking so similar to the Riptide.

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I think changing the angle would be good. Another thing I noticed is that your current sketch has some wonky anatomy: the eyes as you have them are really far down the shark's head. Here's a ref of a shark in the same pose as your sketch. No eyes visible.


I think if you changed the angle of the shark you could get around this problem and it looking so similar to the Riptide.

I see what you're saying, I honestly do, but it's all a matter of perspective. Case in point...


But I plan on tweaking it, somehow getting the same vibe I did with the surfboard without using a surfboard, it'll just take some creative thinking on my part. Thanks guys.


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