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Exceptions To Your Uniform Rules


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This is a bit of a follow-up to the "Your Uniform-Related Beliefs" thread. I made a post in that thread stating that my least favorite jersey combo in football is when the helmet and jersey are the same color, but the pants aren't. I just think that it's a really bad look that draws attention to the wrong part of the uniform. However, I later thought of an exception to that - the Pittsburgh Steelers.


Now while I certainly wouldn't be opposed to the Steelers using a yellow helmet (and that's probably what I'd do if I was tasked with redesigning the Steelers), I also like the Steelers' current look, in fact, it's one of my favorites! So, what are the exceptions to your uniform beliefs, things that would normally bug you, but for some strange reason you're okay with in certain cases? After all, it's not quite a rule if there are no exceptions... ;)

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