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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. 16 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Some Binghamton fans feel a return of the Binghamton Rangers is a done deal and see this video as a hint. At the 2:43 while saying they can't officially announce the new affiliation right now, there's a guy in a Rangers jacket right in the center of the screen.


    So the Wolf Pack moves to Binghamton to become the Brangers, then does Long Island move their affiliate from Bridgeport to Hartford, or is Hartford just a college hockey town from here on out like Lowell?

  2. That would make Razor the only former NHLer on play-by-play now that the Panthers demoted Randy Moller to bench reporter. He could probably get away with it on the TV side where the picture can tell the story, but I believe Dallas is still simulcasting.


    Reaugh is obviously good at what he does, but there became this unbearable feedback loop regarding the "Ralph and Razor" team where everyone said they were the best because everyone said they were the best. I think part of it was low expectations for Dallas, which I'm guilty of myself when I say that Steve Goldstein is surprisingly good on the call for Florida while I wouldn't be so effusive were he working in Jersey. As best I can tell, Reaugh plumbs the same gregarious nature and colorful verbiage (one might say marketing-dept.-encouraged catchphrases) as Eddie Olczyk, so I've never understood how people can like the former but hate the latter. Definitely a good broadcasting team, but they didn't invent hockey.

  3. On 9/15/2016 at 3:12 PM, Ice_Cap said:

    I'd be down with Tony Schiavone providing political commentary. 


    "According to this leaked information, the Democrats are planning on giving the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Heh, yeah, that'll put butts in the seats."

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Ice_Cap said:

    These days some conspiracy theorists claim this is the legal flag of the US "civilian controlled" government, with the version we all know being the flag of the military. The US, they claim, has been under martial law since the Civil War. Hence the disappearance of the civil flag, and the "promotion" of the military flag.


    Sounds a little like the conspiracy about how the gold fringe on the flag.means you're subject to maritime law or some such crap.

    • Like 5
  5. Quote

    Striking the latest blow for pregnant and “chestfeeding” men, the NCAA has mounted its righteous high horse and is pulling seven championship events from North Carolina venues. The Tar Heel State, you see, has the hateful audacity to mandate that its citizens use the public bathrooms that correspond to their biological sex. The NCAA’s decision comes on the heels of the NBA pulling its all-star game from Charlotte, and in the midst of a rolling series of small-scale (though much-hyped) national-anthem protests at NFL football games.


    Before I turn to the larger issues, can we just take a moment to ponder the pathetic absurdity that is the NCAA? This is an organization, mind you, that reaps billions of dollars of rewards off the labor of disproportionately poor and minority students while imposing on them — as a condition for even participating in college sports — economic restrictions not imposed on any other college student. So-called student-athletes don’t own their time, or even the rights to their own names. The vast majority of them don’t go on to play pro sports, so they’re effectively prevented from making money during the time when their earning potential is at its highest. But the NCAA is now suddenly discovering social justice? Please.



    This is so good. In order to condemn the NCAA for sanctioning North Carolina over the discrimination bill, David "Stop Emailing My Wife" French checkmated himself into arguing that the NCAA does profit from the unpaid labor of poor and/or minority students whose academic careers and standard of living are compromised in the name of sports. These people are so obsessed with public pooping that they're willing to be right in order to be wrong. It's magical!

  6. And now, please rise for our national anthem.


    *bwow-bwuh-bwuh bwow-wow, buh bwow-bwuh-bwuh bwow-wow FUH LIFE, WE ARE IN CONTROL, SWEEEEEEEEEEET*



    • Like 4
  7. 4 hours ago, Viola73 said:

    The Blue represents the officer and the courage they find deep inside when faced with insurmountable odds. The Black background was designed as a constant reminder of our fallen brother and sister officers. The Line is what police officers protect, the barrier between anarchy and a civilized society, between order and chaos, between respect for decency and lawlessness. Together they symbolize the camaraderie law enforcement officers all share, a brotherhood like none other.


    Then do all that on a design that isn't the American flag so that I don't go jogging and think America just joined the nWo or something.

    • Like 7
  8. Speaking of that, have we discussed what is apparently the "Blue Lives Matter" flag?




    I saw this out and about and thought it was some kind of white supremacist deal, it looked so menacing. Does this violate the flag code somehow? If not, can we change the flag code so that it does? A dark, sinister version of the American flag just gives me the willies. It's too Raiders-y.

    • Like 5
  9. I like the Angels in all red versus the Dodgers' blue, but it's hard to say no to navy blue crowns and undershirts. The biggest flaw in the Angels' identity is that the cap monogram gets lost on the cap. It's tough, because the Big A can't be white or anything but red; that's what the Big A is. Navy blue makes the A jump out, but then you compromise the dominance of the red. It ends up being fine either way.

  10. I believe in a constructive misunderstanding of the First Amendment. It's become an unfortunate talking point of the left to dwell on the letter of the law and not the spirit -- you know, the people howling "IT ONLY APPLIES TO GOVERNMENT," the tiresome reposts of the "they're showing you the door" comic, and all that. I don't think rigorously enforcing the boundaries of free expression is a good thing for the country.

  11. By the way, Peter Thiel wants to suck young blood so he can live forever and reign over a man-made Randian paradise upon a giant barge in international waters. It's not easy to make Nick Denton the good guy in any situation, but hey, we go to the moon because it's hard.


    EDIT: no, no, a thousand times no, posting "look how cool we are" Slack transcripts was the absolute worst thing Gawker ever did. If I'd made billions of dollars on a way to wire money to camwhores, I'd sue them out of existence for those.

  12. Gawker deserved some kind of peckerslap for the Hogan tape (not to mention outing Tim Geithner's brother because Conde Nast owns Reddit and they don't like Reddit), but not being run out of business through a series of lawsuits. You can't seriously believe that they do. Sometimes I wonder if Americans, left unchecked, truly believe in First Amendment rights.

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