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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Apparently Sabres games are no longer available in the Niagara region. I wonder who decided it wasn't worth it anymore, Bell or the Sabres.


    I'm surprised the Wings have never tried to work out a similar deal for Windsor and Chatham, which are within their 50-mile radius.

  2. Those were terrible, at least for Buffalo. I might not have minded the template for some expansion team, but Buffalo should look traditional. It's a traditional place.


    UNPOPULAR OPINION: bring back NHL refs in neckties under v-neck sweaters!




    Not just because there's something humorously genteel about it, but also because it would give each of the four leagues a distinct visual identity for its officials. Football refs would have the zebra stripes, umpires would, well, look like umpires, NHL refs would have ties and v-necks, and NBA refs would have those ugly grey shirts.

    • Like 5
  3. Canadians preferring major-junior to the AHL is a fairly recent development. I suspect TSN spurred the change in the late '90s when they got really heavy into the World Juniors in lieu of the NHL. The AHL and OHL co-existed in Ontario, and the AHL had a big presence in the Maritimes until about the end of the millennium. There was never any history of triple-A hockey in Western Canada other than the Manitoba Moose, so of course they've preferred the Dub.

  4. My preference would be a Blues affiliate in Peoria, but failing that, Kansas City could be good. I'd worry that people in Kansas City might get itchy about being a farm club for St. Louis, whom they see as a little too full of themselves considering they're St. Louis, a race-relations dystopia that turns your asscrack into a waterfall for four months a year. I also don't think a 17,000+ arena is right for the AHL right now, where attendance across the board seems to be smarting a bit, surely for macroeconomic reasons and not simply because the league finally started ejecting dudes for fighting. Also, KC seems quite far afield from the rest of the midwestern circuit, considering how tightly packed Milwaukee, Rockford, Rosemont, Des Moines, and Grand Rapids are, but then this is a league that has Tucson and Winnipeg in it now for some reason, so maybe mileage doesn't matter like I think it does.

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  5. It's fine in and of itself but not for the Los Angeles Rams, who can be in slightly updated uniforms -- or even that very template -- but in royal and athletic gold.


    My unpopular Ravens opinion is that the Ravens should definitely be in head-to-toe black at home. On the road, I don't care what's black and what's purple (but for the sake of argument let's say black names, purple numbers, black pants, purple socks), but the white should be minimal. No albino Ravens! Their whole deal is that they're supposed to be mean and scary. Maximum black works for them.

    • Like 4
  6. I think they should have built off their third (as much as I rag on teams building off their thirds). I thought red helmets and pants with black sweaters and socks was an interesting spin on a well-worn color scheme, plus you had the beige to break it up. They were simple but modern at the same time, which works, because a Phoenix NHL team needs no pretense of timelessness. What they have now is...I dunno, it just is.

  7. You're wrong that Montreal never did anything for the Expos; they supported the team quite well in the '70s, '80s, and early '90s, at not one but two lousy places to see a ballgame. You're also probably wrong that they'll ever get a team again unless Bell decides a billion dollars is what it costs to program TSN for six months a year.


    I hope the Rays get an outdoor park somewhere in Tampa-St. Pete or Orlando. There's nowhere else to put a team and I hate the Trop too.

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