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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. Hard to beat the U-S-of-A for preexisting infrastructure on short notice. Just let us do the whole thing in 2022 and give up on the NAFTA World Cup. 


    From a competitive standpoint, if I'm understanding this correctly, it would be good to give the automatic spot to the United States and open up another spot for a team to earn their way in, rather than the United States earning theirs and Qatar getting in for free to do :censored:-all with it.

    • Like 3
  2. Cam Newton and PK Subban both to follow the same arc of being good guys who find themselves treated unfairly, which engenders a lot of sympathy but also a lot of over-the-top behavior, then both guys turn out to be fallible human beings after all and everyone has to dial it back down a little. They're not made for the nuance-free zone we live in now.

  3. Cam Newton laughed at a reporter for asking about "the physicality of routes" and said something about how women can't ask him about football. This meant that Cam Newton literally hates all women and must be destroyed, which was weird, because Cam Newton has been a very sympathetic figure himself for being a black quarterback and in the South at that, but sexism overrides racism, so now he is bad. But then someone found her Twitter account where she talked about how good her dad's racist jokes are and then used the n-word, which may override the original sexism-racism override. You can't tell the players without a program, folks.

  4. If you go by point shares, I think Riley Sheahan, of all people, was among the very worst players in the NHL last year in that he was worth -1.2 points in the standings. I don't even know how you do that without being a goon!


    41 minutes ago, Sodboy13 said:

    And the Coyotes just brought Zac Rinaldo back into the league!

    Looks like you haven't read up on Phase III of Chaykanalytics, where after you get better by trading for players who technically don't exist, you make your players play smarter by putting them around an irretrievable retard. His presence will challenge players to be so good that their coach, who is not John Chayka and therefore an idiot, has no choice but to relent and play them ahead of the guy with breathing instructions written on his stick. See, this is about Learning By Not Doing, such that you could more accurately call him Zac Rinaldon't. I'm sorry that you can't grasp the advanced hockey geniusness of John Chayka. Meet me in the 21st century.

  5. Gary Bettman appeared in my dream last night. No more CCSLC before bed, huh.


    15 minutes ago, Still MIGHTY said:

    Deryk Engelland, Jason Garrison, Luca Sbisa, Reilly Smith, James Neal, David Perron.

    At least three of those players have no business holding leadership positions: Engelland might be the worst player in the NHL now that Andrew Desjardins is gone, David Perron is a bitch, and James Neal is an even bigger bitch.

    • Like 1
  6. Upcoming posts:


    What We Learned: Why PK Subban Is the Absolute Boy

    John Tortorella Sure Is a Mindset Expert Brain Genius

    37 Charts Explaining Why the Hurricanes Are a 5th Place Masterpiece

    The Winnipeg Jets: Worst Team in the NHL or Worst Team of All Time?


    • Like 1
  7. We all love Katie Nolan but I'm gonna make everyone mad at me and say that Garbage Time was bad television. I mean, it was a bad format for television: it's tough to watch a show where one person sits at a desk and talks at you with no audience but a couple crew members giggling. I didn't like it with The Soup and I really didn't like it with Keith Olbermann's various shows, where I always got the feeling that gaffers who insufficiently reacted to Keith's "more like George Shrub" comedy bits would be the recipients of ten-page memos about what terrible employees and human beings they were. So here's hoping she gets away from FS1, which was always a dumb home for Approved Sports Thoughts in the first place, and goes somewhere where she can thrive.

  8. More on the Wirtzes from the Trib: while most of this is just public relations for the Blackhawks, Chris Kuc was good enough to give us a matching pair of those OITGDNHL nuggets we all know and love so much.



    It didn't take long for Wirtz to realize the daunting task that lay ahead: The organization had no infrastructure. On his first day in the office, Wirtz noticed a phone was ringing but no one was around to answer it. He later found out that if someone was calling to inquire about buying tickets, they were transferred to a box office line that wasn't connected.


    "It would just ring and ring," Wirtz said while shaking his head.



    "while shaking his head" is what really brings it home. People may ask "how could a team like this even exist?", but in the case of the 2003-2007 Blackhawks, well, that's the thing, they kinda didn't.

  9. Happy 10th anniversary to Bill Wirtz drunkenly stumbling off this mortal coil so that the Chicago Blackhawks could put their home games on TV and win three championships. Make no mistake, his son is a ruthless greedy billionaire in his own right, but only in the ways we've more or less come to expect in Hellworld, nothing like trying to make it against the law to buy liquor from people not named Bill Wirtz, or his incessant kneecapping of his own business asset because he thought his dad's ghost would crack an empty gin bottle over his head. And the Stanley Cup wins were fun.

    • Like 2
  10. The Blackhawks are opening a new practice facility next door:



    Hawks Chairman Rocky Wirtz footed the bill for the arena and had a two-fold plan: Give Hawks players and coaches everything they could possibly want — and more — from a practice rink and also allow the youth of Chicago — many of whom are without access to ice — to experience the sport and come to embrace it.


    “It’s really a community ice rink that the Hawks are going to happen to practice in, instead of the other way around,” Wirtz said as he toured the facility Wednesday morning.

    Wirtz opted to go big, eschewing the idea of a practice facility adjacent to the United Center that would have one sheet of ice just for his hockey team to one that has two full sheets of ice, 22 locker rooms, training, educational and medical facilities along with a restaurant, juice and coffee bars, spectator viewing areas that will seat 277 at each sheet, among other amenities.

    “If you have unconditional commitment to winning on the ice you have to have unconditional commitment to winning off the ice and this is what came of that,” Wirtz said.

    No expense has been spared as the arena will also have features ranging from a heated room to dry equipment, natural lighting, two electric Zambonis, public fitness space, media workroom with laptop stations, rooftop deck, rubber flooring (for walking with skates on) and a room that will allow Hawks players — and visiting youth and adult teams — to work on their shooting and stick-handling. It is so high-tech that the private entrance for Hawks players and personnel will have a thumb scanner to allow access. Open skates will be held on the weekends.

    Perhaps most important is the Hawks’ commitment to growing the game and to that end they are partnering with Chicago Public Schools to provide 16-week programs for up to 120 kids three days per week. The Hawks will provide transportation and equipment for the children — at no cost to the schools.



    Well, couple things here:


    1) If you're going to promise the community they can use the rink, don't pull a Jeremy Jacobs on this 

    2) Nowhere in this glorified press release does it mention that the land for the facility opened up because the city demolished a community college and sold the land to the Hawks for a song. I guess it's particularly annoying to me because the city just got finished building a brand-new arena for a private college basketball program that has all but announced it has no intention to field competitive teams, and the arena isn't even on the same L line as the campus. It's getting to be a little too much sports while the rest of the city rots from the inside out. But I guess the Hawks couldn't have paid market price for the real estate because, as we all know, the Chicago Blackhawks lose money.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, DG_Now said:

    I want to learn how to pay 33% but get 100% control of something.

    And one of the benefits for the taxpayers is that some guys can own a business. Who started this crap?


    The chart reminds me of the infamous Washington Nationals meeting where the district proposed a two-thirds/one-third split in funding for the new park, and Jerry Reinsdorf replied "we were thinking more along the lines of three thirds, no thirds."


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