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Posts posted by The_Admiral

  1. In NHL news, TSN poached the English rights to the Canadiens from Rogers, fortifying their daisy chain of NHL coverage in lieu of the national contract. For those scoring at home:


    TSN: Winnipeg, Ottawa English, half of Toronto, Montreal English, most Montreal French (RDS)

    Sportsnet: Canucks, Flames, Oilers, other half of Toronto, Ottawa French (TVA), some Montreal French (TVA)


    I don't know how TSN is gonna work out the scheduling with the Senators because Ottawa and Montreal have coterminous TV territories -- from Belleville all the way to Newfoundland -- and now they'll need at least an overflow feed on top of the five they already have, a TSN5+, I guess? Meanwhile, Sportsnet East now has no hockey properties other than picking up the national games. It'd be a good place to put the Nordiques en anglais if a certain Mr. Burnsian owner would allow a team there.

  2. From Scott Darling's piece in The Daily Ghostwritten Jock:


    I lasted maybe five days before Phoenix told me to beat it. I should have checked into rehab right then. Instead, I was on a plane the next day. Phoenix assigned me to their ECHL affiliate in literally the worst place on earth for me at that moment: beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Seriously, I got sent to Vegas. I would laugh if the reality wasn’t so grim.

    Our rink was inside The Orleans Hotel & Casino, right off the Strip.

    And I lived at the hotel inside the casino.

    Pretty much every day was the same routine: Practice inside the casino. Then drinking inside the casino. And then going to bed inside the casino.

    It was so bizarre and depressing, in hindsight. I lasted a few weeks before I missed a practice, and the team said, “Pack your s***.”


    "The distractions will only apply to road teams" my ass

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  3. It's between Norman Lear and David Chase. Norman Lear did television that was miles ahead of its contemporaries; Chase did television that challenged and arguably usurped the supremacy of film. It's a worthy argument for sure because obviously you can't have the latter without the former.


    Also I don't know if this thread is representative but how the :censored: many NBA podcasts can there even be

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  4. On 5/10/2017 at 11:24 AM, DG_Now said:

    Larry Wilmore (formerly the new Colbert, kind of) now has a podcast on the Ringer network. It's called Black on the Air.


    The Ringer seems to have found its way.

    Larry Wilmore is really good when he wants to do comedy, but he's drier than the Sahara when he doesn't.

  5. On 4/15/2017 at 10:08 PM, Ice_Cap said:

    It's the Japanese they both have a grudge with, what with the whole "enslave the rest of East Asia" thing Japan had going for forty or so years.


    Doesn't the Japanese hatred of Koreans go back further? Having Korean blood makes you an untouchable. 


    I don't think Korean evolved from Chinese, though. Korean isn't related to anything. Maybe Chinese characters were the basis for their writing system, but they're not related.

  6. hahahahaha



    Santo said in the statement that she was assured by Gelmon that Katz would not proposition her again. However, after 30 minutes of talk about helping her career, Santo said that Katz again proposed paying her for sex. Santo said she again refused, saying “I am not a prostitute,” and left.


    However, she continued to maintain the relationship. In a text message soon after the meeting, she wrote, “Hey. Wish we could’ve had dinner together. And spend more time. You are a very sweet and kind man. Thanks so much for your kindness.”


    the Oilers don't even GET to be this played in free agency

  7. 40 minutes ago, Sodboy13 said:

    Well, it's your only opportunity to watch a Canadian team win a championship, so that's understandable.


    Seriously, if one or two of the Flames, Oilers, and Senators had won their Finals, this neurosis would not have gotten as bad as it's gotten. I mean, people would still get excited for Olympic hockey as a special treat, it just wouldn't have this undue weight. Oh well. Explosions and football, chain coffee and hockey.

  8. Yeah, everyone is acting like this is some dark day for hockey from which the sport will never recover. The league survived not sending players before and has survived much dumber decisions than this one. Like most "time-honored" hockey traditions, it doesn't even go that far back, really, just 1998. And no one much remembers Nagano or Turin, just Salt Lake City and Vancouver because they came down to the United States against Canada and Canada won. The most memorable Olympic hockey was when the Russians sent professionals and the Americans sent amateurs, so hey.


    The whole deal has started to feel like nothing but a big exercise in validation for Canada, really. Ad agencies and television channels have done a great job pumping up Canada's relationship with hockey as something even beyond America and baseball, as if it's the one single thing they have that can't arguably belong just as much to the Americans or the British or the French. So they send the best players in the world out under the best coach under rules that all but flatline risk: Canada strikes first and that's game because everything gets pinned to the neutral-zone boards for 45 minutes or whatever. It's dull. Let's just be honest here: Canada could field two whole teams and they'd probably play each other for the gold. I mean, they half-did that for the Bettman Cup and it nearly happened. No one's getting anything out of a tournament like this one because no Mythical Casual Fan in the U.S. is going to be made a fan by these trapapalooza games (and not just Babs, consider all the lower nations that drag the game into the muck), South Korea doesn't exactly have a budding hockey program, and players are probably gonna get hurt in this and screw over their main gig. It's a colossal waste of time. If Canadians want to play for their country, the Maple Leafs are hiring.

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